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Ryuu's POV (Yall been waiting for this one, huh?)

It was during practise when everyone's phones rang off at the same time. It was strange, so of course we all went to check what the heck was going on. Two reactions came from everyone else: anger and concern.

Me though? I don't know what it was that I felt in that moment. I could only stare at the media that was sent to me and stare at the person I thought I knew. I recognised a few members of the other teams—people I thought were my friends but clearly weren't. I felt Noya's hand on my back, a silent comfort that wasn't really helping.

The coach seemed to notice the atmosphere and asked what was wrong. Daichi walked over and, in hushed whispers, explained, I guess, since right after that practise was cut short.

My phone rang as Saeko called.

"Ryuu, I know what happened." Oh, so everyone knew?

"Saeko, she-"

"I know. Sigh, she's outside right now. If you don't want to see her, stay at a friend's house tonight, okay?"


"I'm sorry, Ryuu. I'm really sorry you have to go through this. I never thought- she was just so-"

"I'll stay with Noya." I looked at my best friend, who quickly nodded in confirmation. Usually, he'd be ecstatic at the thought of us hanging out, but this situation really wasn't all that happy.

"Okay. Say hi to me then. And Ryuu, don't do anything stupid. I mean it." I didn't get what she meant, but her voice was the saddest I've ever heard, so I agreed. The call ended, and I stared at my device.

I felt like crying. Or screaming. Maybe even throwing up. Oh, definitely throwing up? I ran to the bathroom, and the team called after me. I felt my throat burn as my meals from throughout the day made their way back out of my system. I heard the door behind me open as someone came in, patting my back gently as I heaved over to the toilet.

The pain I felt was foreign and indescribable. My chest ached with what could only be described as the God-forsaken word. Heartbreak.

For whatever reason, though I'm sure it was pretty obvious, Coach decided that today's practise could end an entire hour earlier. I didn't mind though since it meant I'd be able to go home, or well, to Noya's home, and clear my head about all this. For now though, while his shorter friend gathered his things from the locker room, he sat on the bleachers and waited.

Hearing someone climbing the stairs, Tanaka looked up to see Suga and Daichi approaching him. He hesitated for a moment before nodding slightly, indicating that he was open to talking. Suga sat down next to him, giving him a reassuring smile as Daichi sat on the other side of him.

"Hey, Tanaka," Suga said gently. "We noticed you seemed a bit down. Understandably so after everything that went down. Is everything otherwise okay?"

Tanaka sat down, his shoulders slumped and his expression heavy with sadness. He looked at his friends, and took a deep breath before speaking. "I don't even know where to begin. It just feels like my whole world has come crashing down."

Daichi placed a hand on Tanaka's shoulder, offering silent support. "Take your time, Tanaka. We're here for you."

Tanaka nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. "It's Y/n, obviously," he said, his voice cracking. "I thought we had something real, you know? We spent so much time together, shared our dreams, our fears... I thought she felt the same way about me. But then, out of nowhere, all of this happens. I never would have thought she would-"

He paused, trying to collect his thoughts amidst the overwhelming emotions. "I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Every time I think about her, my chest aches. I can't stop replaying all our moments together, wondering what I did wrong."

Daichi tightened his grip on Tanaka's shoulder, offering him a reassuring squeeze. "Heartbreak is never easy, Tanaka. It's okay to feel this pain. It's a testament to how much you cared about her."

Tanaka wiped away a tear, his voice thick with emotion. "I just don't understand why she changed her mind. Was I not good enough? Did I do something to drive her away?"

Daichi shook his head, his expression firm yet gentle. "Tanaka, sometimes relationships don't work out, not because you're not good enough, but because people change. It might not be about you at all. People have their own reasons, their own struggles. It's important not to blame yourself for something that might be beyond your control."

Tanaka nodded, taking in Daichi's words. "I just don't know how to move on from this, Daichi, Suga. Everywhere I look, I'm reminded of her."

"It's going to take time," Suga said, his voice steady. "Give yourself permission to grieve. Surround yourself with friends who support you. And in time, the pain will lessen. You'll find the strength to move forward, and one day, you'll love again."

Tanaka sniffled, appreciating his friends' understanding and wisdom. "Thanks, Captain, Vice Captain. I don't know what I would do without you guys."

Daichi smiled, giving his friend a reassuring pat on the back. "You're never alone in this, Tanaka. I'm here for you, and so are our friends. We'll get through this together."

Suga nodded empathetically. "Anytime you need to talk, I'm here for you. We both are," Suga said, giving Ryuu a reassuring pat on the back. 

Noya exists the locker room at last, spots Tanaka and calls him over. "Hey, Tanaka! Ready to head home?"

Tanaka managed a small smile, grateful for the distraction. "Yeah, let's go."

They walked side by side, their footsteps echoing through the emptying school corridors. Noya, always the energetic one, tried his best to lift the atmosphere. "You seem a bit down, buddy. Everything okay?"

Tanaka sighed, glancing at his friend. "It's just... you know, the whole Y/n situation. It's been really tough."

Noya placed a supportive hand on Tanaka's shoulder. "I get it, man. Heartbreak sucks. But you're strong, Tanaka. You'll get through this."

Tanaka managed a weak smile, appreciating Noya's attempt to cheer him up. "Thanks, Noya. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time."

Noya nodded, his expression full of determination. "That's the spirit! And hey, we're going to have a killer volleyball practice tomorrow. You'll feel better after some intense spiking and diving!"

Tanaka chuckled, feeling a bit lighter despite everything. "Yeah, you're right. Volleyball always helps clear my mind."

As they reached the school gates, Noya clapped Tanaka on the back, his trademark grin in place. 

"Exactly! And remember, we're a team both on and off the court. If you ever need to talk or vent, I'm here for you, man."

Tanaka's smile grew genuine, touched by Noya's unwavering friendship. "Thanks, Noya. I'm lucky to have a friend like you."

Hey. Hey... How yall doing? Everybody good?

Ahaha... totally didn't abandon you guys. We're all still friends, right? Right?


I'll be more consistent from now on! I swear! Pinky promise!

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