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(A/N- This chapter is a bit long. That's all enjoy!)

Third Person's POV

"Dude I can't believe it!"

"Did you pay her or something? There's no frickin way!!"

"Is she actually coming here?"

"Tanaka you bastard! How the hell did you get a girlfriend before me? Much less any of us??"

The last question, from Kinnoshita by the way, had the rest of the team glaring at poor Ryuu who was still a blushing mess and just staring love struck at his phone.

"But I don't get it. What did Tanaka senpai being upset have to do with his girlfriend?" Shoyo, the poor confused boy questioned. Ryuu himself answered this one.

"Fukurodani's 3rd years had exams this past month so Y/n and I haven't exactly been able to see each other as much. I didn't realise my sadness was so visible. I'm really sorry for worrying you guys there."

"That still doesn't explain how you managed to score a girl. A THIRD YEAR GIRL from FUKURODANI!!" Narita dropped his input, the others just nodding along with small 'mhms.'

"Well you see...

~Flashback Begins~

"I'll see you guys next week!" Ryuu from a few months ago exited the Karasuno gym after a late Friday practice. The others already wished him farewell so nothing stopped him from carrying on.

'I wonder if Saeko can order us pizza and we can watch a movie. It's bee a while since we've done stuff like that. Bonding and crap I guess.'

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of someone revving and engine right next to him, causing him to jump nearly 10 feet into the air.

"Oh ha ha sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you like that." A girl? It was hard to tell with the helmet muffling their voice but it sure sounded like it.

"O-oh heh nah it's all good. I guess I just wasn't paying attention." By now he'd stopped to fully face the person who sat atop the black and silver Harley. They wore what looked to be a school shirt and jeans and a jacket though he couldn't tell the school.

"That doesn't sound too safe. Especially since these roads are pretty busy around this time of night. Speaking of which, you're in high school right? Why on earth are you out here so late?"

"I was just heading back from- hey wait a minute I don't have to tell you that! You're a complete stranger. You could be a predator for all I know!"

"You're right. I am a stranger. How about we change that hm?" The person then removed their helmet to reveal a girl. Holy shit she was beautiful. Heck, more so than Kiyoko. Her h/c h/l now a bit matted down from the helmet still looked well kept, her s/t skin practically glowed with the street lamps above. Those full lips, mesmerizing e/c eyes...he was getting ahead of himself now.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n L/n and I'm a 3rd year at Fukurodani Academy."

"O-oh crap you're my senpai. Ah I'm Tanaka Ryuunosuke, a 2nd year of K-Karasuno high. N-nice to meet you too, L/n s-senpai." An adorable chuckle escaped those plump, kissable lips. Her voice was sweet like honey and he just couldn't get enough.

"You don't really need to address me like that. Though I won't stop you if you insist on doing it. Y/n-Chan would be just fine with me." He only nodded, not trusting his voice to not make a fool out of himself.

"So Tanaka-san. Do you live nearby? I'm heading in the direction you're walking so I don't mind giving you a ride home. If you're not afraid of bikes that is.." A ride? With this goddess? She was actually offering to take someone like him home. His heart all but swelled in his chest as he nodded quickly. Another short laugh.

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