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With Kaito's expertise, they delved into the digital realm once more, the clacking of keyboards and the hum of computers filling the virtual space. Y/n, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi watched in awe as Kaito's fingers danced across the keyboard, his eyes scanning lines of code with practised ease.

After what felt like an eternity of anticipation, Kaito's voice broke the silence. "I've found something. An encrypted trail that leads back to an anonymous server. I'll try to break through the encryption and trace it further."

Hours passed in tense anticipation as Kaito worked tirelessly, his fingers flying across the keyboard, tracing the digital breadcrumbs left behind by the malicious culprits. The room was bathed in the soft glow of computer screens, the only sound being the rhythmic clicking of keys.

Tsukishima, ever the sceptic, couldn't help but voice his concerns. "Are you sure your cousin can handle this, Yamaguchi? This is a serious matter, and we can't afford any mistakes."

Yamaguchi shot Tsukishima a determined look, defending his cousin's expertise. "Kaito's one of the best in his field. If anyone can trace this back, it's him. Trust me, he knows what he's doing."

Kaito, engrossed in his work, didn't interrupt the conversation. His eyes were fixed on the screen, and his concentration was unbroken. After what felt like an eternity, his expression shifted from intense focus to one of triumphant realisation.

"I've got it," Kaito announced, his voice filled with excitement. "The burner number is no longer active, but I managed to pick up a frequent contact from the same network. It might lead us to the person or persons behind this."

The room seemed to hold its breath as the significance of Kaito's discovery sunk in. Y/n, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi exchanged eager glances, their impatience growing. "Tell us everything, Kaito," Y/n urged, her voice filled with anticipation.

Kaito nodded, his fingers dancing across the keyboard once more. "I'm cross-referencing the number with online databases and social media profiles. It might take a few minutes, but we should have some results soon."

As they waited, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Seconds felt like hours until finally, Kaito's face lit up with triumph. "I've found them," he exclaimed, his voice filled with satisfaction. "The frequent contact is linked to a social media profile. I'm sending you the information now."

The trio eagerly opened the file Kaito sent, their eyes scanning the screen. There, in front of them, was the profile of the person responsible for the malicious attacks. The relief that washed over them was palpable, mixed with a sense of vindication.

Y/n, her voice filled with a mix of emotions, whispered, "Who is it?"

Kaito hesitated for a moment before revealing the name on the screen. "It's someone named Maya Thompson," he said, his tone firm. 

Y/n's brows furrowed in confusion disbelief as the name "Maya Thompson" failed to register in her memory. This newly revealed person responsible for the malicious attacks was, as far as she knew, a complete stranger to her. But when Kaito mentioned the person had an association with her parents' company, her heart skipped a beat.

"The company my parents own?" Y/n echoed, her voice laced with disbelief. "How is that possible? I've never heard of this Maya person before."

Kaito nodded, his brows furrowing in thought. "It's strange, isn't it? The connection is there, but the motive remains unclear. We might need to investigate further to understand why someone with ties to your family's company would target you in this manner."

Tsukishima's expression turned grave. "We need to approach this delicately. Confronting Maya directly might not yield the answers we're looking for. We should consider talking to your parents about this. They might have some insight into her."

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