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"Sweetheart? What can I help you with?"

"I need a very big favour that only you or dad can make happen. Will you help me? Pleeeaaseee?" I gave her my best cute face and voice, hands clasped in a begging motion. She rolled her eyes, a tired but playful smile on her face.

"Yes, yes Y/n, what can I do for you?"

"Well...Ryu's birthday is in 2 days."

"Oh yes! Your dad and I have already picked out our gifts for him. Do you need help with choosing a gift? I'd be glad to hel-"

"I need you to get his parents here."



"Their parents. Saeko mentioned that they work oversees."

"But what does that have to do with us helpi-"

"They work at c/n('company name' for those who need a lil reminder)"

"Oh...honey... you know how things are with those people. I can't promise you anything." She pursed her lips, worry and apprehension now overtaking her features, replacing the happy, giddy look she wore previously.

"I- I know. But I just need to try. He hasn't seen them in forever so I just..."

"I understand darling, I get it. I'll talk to your father about it and we'll work something out. I just hope..."

"Yeah I know the Stiles are a pain in the ass but I really need this to happen."

"Alright, alright. Consider it done, dear." I hugged her tightly as I showered her in thanks, her laughs rang out due to my silly behaviour. "Calm down there Jitterbug."

"I'm just excited. I know this is something that would make both him and Saeko really happy."

"I know hunny, I know."

My alarm suddenly blarred grabbing my attention. Glancing at the screen, my smile widened at the words. 'Cafe date.'

"Got a date, huh?" Mom smirked at me with a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes at her childish antics.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Maybe you and dad should try it some time." Her hand rose to her chest, face twisted in 'shock' before sticking her tongue out at me.

"We have dates! You just happen to have yours at the same time as ours."

"All I'm hearing are excusesss."

"Oh hush and go get ready."

I did exactly that, running up the stairs two at a time to get to my room faster. We were going back to 'Our cafe' as we'd started calling it so I dressed in a comfortable, red offshoulder sweater paired with ripped blue jeans and a flannel around my waist. I added some black, shin height boots for a finising touch.

Looking at the time, I sped back downstairs making sure to grab the keys to the Harley before racing my way over to the Tanaka residence.

Swerving in and out of traffic had be parked in front of their house in no time and I saw Saeko standing on their porch talking with soemone I didn't recognise. The look on her face wasn't the happy expression I was use to seeing, instead replaced by a bit of worry and concern.

She seemed... angry, even.

Upon approaching her, she must have noticed my figure coming closer and instantly her eyes hardened into a glare. This shook me to my core. Throughout the time I'd known her, Saeko had never shown any type of ill feelings towards me. Even when Ryuu and I had accidentally broken one of her first pair of drumsticks she'd only laughed it off.

She bowed to the person who she'd been conversing with, male I noted as he left. I had no idea who this person was but for some odd reason, when he passed by me, there was a smug look on his face as though he'd beaten me at something.

I made my way closer to Saeko who's expression was yet to change. Had I done something to upset her somehow? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea mentioning her parents after all. The guilt was eating away at me at all the unknown possibilites.

"You've got hella guts to come back to this house." Her voice was firm, filled with venom that was directed towards myself.

"Pardon? Have I done something to upset you Sae-'

"Don't you dare address me by my first name. If you know what's good for you, you'll break up with my brother. Then do us both a favour and stay away from my family."

My mouth hung open as my jaw dropped harshly. What. The. FUCK!?

"You know. That whole 'sweet girl' act you've been putting on really fooled us. I should've known better than to just let Ryuu go with you that day. It didn't even hit me to really question you, he was too excited. Ha!" I could only listen silently. She was yet to explain what had happened.

"Sae- sorry. Tanaka-san I don't know what you're talkinhg about. What did I do?" I could've sworn I saw my own grave in her eyes.

"AS IF YOU DON'T KNOW, YOU BITCH!! STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER! I NEVER WANT YOU NEAR HIM AGAIN!!" And with that she stomped away, slamming and locking the door behind her and leaving me on the porch utterly beffuddled.

I took a look at my phone, realising it had been silent throughout the entire conversation which was unusal. So, of course I was more than shocked to see hundreds of messages from my friends with a series of variying questions.

'You okay doll? I obviously know it's not true. I'm on your side.' - That was Bokuto

'Y/n-senpai there's no way, right?' - That was Hinata

'Why would you do that!' - Classmate


'I'm sorry Y/n but please don't come over to my house anymore.' - Classmate

'Never thought you were that type of girl, L/n. You gonna take a pass at me next?' - Classmate

'Yeah right. As if I'd ever with your dumbass... You okay? Text me back.' - Suna

Several others along with multiple missed calls meanwhile I was as confused as the beginning. Until a message from an unknown number caught my gaze. Three messages in fact.

Unknown Number

You should've known better. You brought it onto yourself

Maybe this time you'll learn, bitch.

*attached 15 media*

Attached were... no... no way.

All fifteen contained photos or videos of myself and various males in compromising positions. Some I recognised were from back in my first year with other partners but were doctored to seem more recent. Others were of myself with friends I had currently like Kuuro and Bokuto and even one or two with Suna'.

What worried me most was the fact that Ryuu was yet to call or even text me. I immediately thought of the worst, scrolling to the top of the screen where hus chat was pinned. He'd been online a few minutes ago but hadn't texted me. That wasn't normal. His silence, wasn't normal. I knew he'd seen it. There was no doubt.

With shaking hands, I tapped the call button under his name...






"The owner of this number has either blocked you or is no longer withi-." I fell to my knees outside of his house, tears in my eyes and heart shattered. What...

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