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Tanaka's POV

It'd been a month since the team met Y/n meaning today was the day we traveled to the Sendai City Gymnasium to take part in the Inter-high Preliminaries. We'd been practicing our asses off for this so everyone was in high spirits. This was doubled by the fact that Kiyoko senpai made us a banner along with Takeda sensei's help.

"And if already told you. They said they were taking time off from work just to see all your matches. They love you."

"But they really don't have t-"

"They know but they still will. Show em what you got babe." I couldn't help but blush at the name. She laughed at my silence, no doubt having figured out she'd gotten me a bit flustered.

"Anyways. We'll see you later cutie. Love ya."

"Yeah love you too." And with that the call ended.

"Tanaka. Make sure you're focused for this game. Don't lose your head just because your girlfriend is watching."

"You got it Captain."

We were out on the court, practicing before the match officially began. A few of us looked up at the stands where Takeda sensei and Kiyoko senpai were putting up the banner they'd made. The sight of it caused smiles all around.

Our first match was against Tokonami High. Coach pulled us aside before the game.

"This is our first match. You're all nervous and anxious and not their usual selves. But you have to overcome those things before they do. Score a big victory and find your groove."


"I mean what I'm going to say and it's not an empty compliment. Karasuno is strong. Show everyone in the gym how crow's fly." Takeda sensei spoke to us.

"Good one Take-san." Noya pipped up.

"Yeah. They've been chanting that inauspicious line everywhere we go."

"Let's show them. Look! We at Karasuno are the champions of old. We are winners!"

"Yeah!" There was a second or 2 of silence before he started freaking out.

"Was that poetic? Was it moving?"

"Yeah it was fine."

"KARASUNO. FIGHT!" Daichi called.

"YEAH!" And with that, we marched onto the court.

The first serve was made by Tokonami and received by Asahi. Kageyama then set the ball to...oh me. I quickly spiked over the net causing the blockers to send it out of bounds. Thus we gained the first point.

"HELL YEAHHH!" Noya and Hinata were celebrating with me. Then I heard it.

"NICE JOB RYUU!!" My head spun around, searching the crowd until I found her. There she was in the Karasuno section, her parents next to her and beaming a large smile at me. I could almost feel the tears pricking my eyes but I quickly wiped them away and sent her a smile that was just as bright.

"Focus there Tanaka." I looked back to find the team all grinning at me teasingly.

"S-shut up guys."

A few plays later, Hinata and Kageyama finally revealed their quick. The entire gym was silent as the shock settled over them all. Play after play went by and in no time we took the first set. During the second set, Tokonami really tried their hardest but it was no surprise that we still took the set, meaning we'd won the match itself.

After the match, I went to look for Y/n and her parents who had made their way back to where we were. I suddenly felt a force on my back as someone hugged my waist from behind.

"You did so well cutie! You guys were awesome out there." I turned to hug her back as she kissed my sweaty face continuously.

"H-hey I'm really sweaty right now."

"Pfft as if I care. Not like I don't do this after your regular practices."

"Ryuunosuke dear you were great! Not to mention you scored the first point. I couldn't help but join Y/n in celebrating."

"Haha thanks Mrs. M/n."

"Dear I already told you to just call me M/n or mom."

"R-right. Sorry Mrs. oh uh mom." The 4 of us had a laugh.

"So what's the plan now? Well Seijoh has match while we go up against Date Tech. They're a crazy strong team with an 'Impenetrable Defense'. I bet it'll be brutal."

"Well despite the outcome, son, we're gonna be cheering you on...all of you I mean." D/n laughed at his own obvious favoritism.

"Just remember to do your best. We'll be cheering for you the entire time."

"Thanks you guys. Oh gotta go before Daichi gets mad. I love you." I gave Y/n a quick kiss as well as one to M/n on the cheek and a hug and fist bump to D/n.

"I love you too!" I heard her answer as I made my way back to the team.

"Finished smooching with your girlfriend Ryuu? Muah muah muah? Oh Y/n.." Noya teased, adding a fake, dreamy sigh while the others laughed.

"You guys are the worst." I joined in with their laughter. Now we're off to face Date Tech. This, is going to get interesting.

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