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The atmosphere in the Karasuno gymnasium was charged with curiosity and tension as the team gathered for their next practice session. It didn't escape the notice of the other members that Tsukishima and Yamaguchi seemed surprisingly happier than usual. Their smiles were genuine, laughter came easily, and their interactions with each other were laced with an air of, well, something that hadn't been there before.

Hinata, always eager to know what was happening, couldn't help but shoot curious glances at his two teammates. Asahi and Kageyama exchanged puzzled looks, trying to make sense of the sudden change in demeanor. Tanaka, on the other hand, wore a frown that deepened with every cheerful exchange between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. He couldn't understand how they could act so happy after their meeting with Y/n.

Practice carried on, but the lingering curiosity hung over the team like a cloud. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, usually open and approachable, kept to themselves more than usual. Both their phones occasionally buzzed with notifications, and every time they glanced at their screens, the rest of the team exchanged knowing looks. Something was going on, and they were determined to find out.

It was only after practice, when the team was gathered around, catching their breaths and wiping the sweat off their faces, that Hinata, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, blurted out, "Hey, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, what happened yesterday? Why were you both so happy?"

Tsukishima glanced at Yamaguchi, exchanging a brief, meaningful look before turning his attention back to the rest of the team. "We had a talk with Y/n," he said, his tone measured.

Kageyama frowned, his curiosity piqued. "About what? And why were you so happy?"

Yamaguchi stepped forward, his expression earnest. "It was a long conversation, and it went well. We sorted things out."

Tanaka, unable to contain his frustration any longer, snapped, "Sorted things out? What does that even mean? After everything that happened, how can you act like nothing's wrong?"

Tsukishima's gaze turned steely, his voice firm. "It's our personal business, Tanaka. We're handling it. You don't need to worry about it."

The rest of the team exchanged uncertain glances, feeling the tension in the air. Something significant had clearly transpired during their conversation with Y/n, but Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were keeping tight-lipped about it.

Asahi, always the peacemaker, tried to diffuse the situation. "Let's respect their privacy, guys. If they don't want to share, we shouldn't push them."

Hinata, though still curious, nodded reluctantly, deferring to Asahi's wisdom. "Yeah, you're right. But it's just hard not knowing what's going on."

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi exchanged a silent glance, their unspoken communication conveying a shared understanding. They appreciated their teammates' concern, but the nature of the situation was too delicate to share openly. 

They weren't sure if anyone in the team was, in any way, connected to the person or persons involved in the rumor about Y/n. For the safety and privacy of everyone involved, they chose to keep the details of their conversation with Y/n confidential.

The topic was dropped, but the tension lingered, casting a shadow over the team's usual camaraderie. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, despite their attempts to act normal, felt the weight of their secret weighing them down. Every time their phones buzzed, they exchanged concerned glances, wondering if it was another message related to the ongoing situation.

Days passed, and the team continued their rigorous practice routines. Despite the underlying tension, they pushed forward, their determination unwavering. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, while trying to maintain their focus on the game, couldn't help but be haunted by the uncertainty of their situation. They knew that the truth needed to come out, not just for Y/n's sake, but for the peace of mind of everyone involved.

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