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"You know what we should try tonight?" I ask my friends, scrolling through my phone.

"What?" Sarah asks, her brows knitted in stress while flipping through her sheet music, not an ounce of attention on me.

"We," I say, grabbing her wrist to stop her. "Should stay up really late tonight, I promise I won't fall asleep on you guys," I smile at her.

"Sounds pretty good, are you funding us?" Niall quirks his brows at me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Calm down, you borderline alcoholic. I don't mean get drunk and shit, just hang out really late." I say.

"Well, that's really lame,"

"You're really lame," I retort, crossing my arms at him.

"Darling I'm not sure if I can, gotta study the crap out of this piece, or else the band will have my head on a spike," she sighs, skimming through the pieces.

"Are you sure it's not so that you can go impress Mitch?" I tease, nudging her.

"Daisy," she blushes. "It's not like that," her cheeks tint red.

"Liar," I smile, punching her arm lightly and she smiles.

"Okay, fine. I'll take a night off for this, tonight better be the greatest night ever," she says, making me groan.

"Wow, no pressure at all then," I say, making them all laugh as they collect their things, getting up, and walking with me.

"Any updates on Harry?" Louis asks smugly, making me roll my eyes at him.

"No, we haven't spoken in a bit. He's still really active online, and so am I. But I don't blame him for not speaking to me for a bit, different time zones and all." I shrug it off, making him nod.

Fidgeting with my hands nervously, I walk closer to Niall, distancing ourselves from the rest of the gang. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I finally get the words out of my mouth in a low voice.

"Niall," I half-whispered, making him walk closer to me with his brows furrowed, slightly crouching down to my height.


"Have you heard from... You know... Recently?" I ask pathetically, eyes trained to the ground as we approach the gate.

"I thought you were over her?"

"I am!" my brows shoot up in defense, scowling at him. "Just because I'm over her doesn't mean I don't wanna know how she is... I'm still concerned over her, she has responded to my texts in weeks."

"You're an idiot," he speaks, lowering his voice as he frowns at me. "I know this is harsh, and I do love you to bits, but you know she doesn't care. Stop getting your hopes up,"

I frown at his words, swallowing the lump in my throat that never seems to go away, "You're right Niall, that was way harsh," I say, eyes trained to the ground as I walk farther away from him and closer to Sarah, grabbing her arm and gripping it tightly.

"Are you alright love?" She asks, raising a brow at me and I nod at her, unable to get the words out of me without feeling my eyes burn with tears.


I didn't speak to Niall the entire night.

Call me petty or irrational, but I just didn't want to. I knew he was right, yet deep down it was so hard to accept it. The worst part was that I kept defending her, mostly to myself too.

Niall didn't know the full story, yet everything he told me was right. I just didn't know how to handle the truth, especially when it hurt that bad.

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