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"Huh?" I sigh, dragging my finger across the screen and refreshing my Snapchat and still finding no Harry. The others see my demeanour shift and they immediately tense.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asks me, sitting up straight with her brows furrowed, hands placed gently on my shoulders as I refresh my Snapchat once more, even restarting the app on my phone.

"Weird. I can't find him on snap," my voice starts to shake, panic flooding my veins.

"Is it the Wifi? Your phone?" Louis says, leaning in to see my screen.

"I have all three bars, it can't be. Routers right there too," I point to the white box blinking green next to the TV.

Exiting the app, I go back to Twitter and straight to my DM's, wondering if I should message him to ask if his account was deleted somehow.

"This is so weird, I takes to him this morning. Maybe my phones on its bullshit again—"

You can no longer send this user direct messages.

My heart sinks and I feel my chest tightening, dropping my phone out of pure shock. It lands safely on my lap with a small thud as I stare into nothing, processing what this could've possibly have meant.

"What the fuck?" I hear Niall saying as he picks up my phone.

"What? What?!" I hear Sarah yell in distress, Niall showing my phones screen to her in my peripheral vision.

"Give me my phone!" I scream, and he complies. Handing me my phone, I scroll up directly and click on his user, the app redirecting from my inbox to his account.

@Harry_Styles . has blocked you.

You may no longer follow or see @Harry_Styles' tweets.

"What?" I sigh loudly, brows pinching together. "This makes absolutely no sense, we literally talked this morning," I turn to them in distress and panic.

I have no idea why, but I could feel myself sinking, my hands trembling and I feel like I'm on fire. Did I do something wrong? Have I said something that upset him?

I look back at our conversations from the past few weeks, my brain racking up an explanation, but I just couldn't find any.

"Maybe it's a mistake, Twitter glitches all the time—"

"Twitter can't accidentally block people for you, Niall." I sigh, feeling my throat close up.

"I know, I know! I'm just trying to figure out why he, I mean, what?" He blurts out, just as confused as I am before sitting up.

"Check your Spotify, doesn't he follow you on there?" He suggests, making me nod.

"Yes, he does. But why would I check?"

"Check if he's unfollowed you there, then maybe if he didn't then this is all a big misunderstanding on Twitter's end." he reassured me.

"And what about on Snapchat? I cant find his account or our last messages. Doesn't that mean he's blocked me there too?" I panic, sadness filling me.

Am I going to be able to speak to him ever again?

"Fuck Dais, I don't know," he gulps. "Check Spotify first," I nod at him, checking my following to see his account still present.

"I still follow him," I say.

"Click his account, check if he follows you back," Niall says, my shaky hands obeying his words as I move quicker than the speed of light.

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