Part of me

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I sat in the back for the class, minding my own business and pulled out my book from my backpack and started reading as the lesson hasn't started yet.

I looked out the window and a boy my age caught my eyes. He staring right at me, standing by the parking lot.

I smiled brightly at him but he only walked away, I frowned and went back to my book. Then the class started, I groaned and put my book away.

Mommy said that if I got good grades she'd get daddy to buy me more books so I need to listen to the teacher even if it's really boring.

The teacher started explaining stuff but the door opened and interrupted her. I giggled quietly at her face and looked where everyone else was looking.

The boy I saw earlier was now here, in my class. I frowned at him as I caught him staring at me again.

The teacher told him to find a seat. There was an empty one right beside me.

Oh no.

He walked over and sat down next to me. I ignored him and listened to the teacher when she resumed the class.

The boy looked sad when I didn't talk to him and I felt bad.

Mommy told me to always be nice to others.

"Hi." I said shyly, "I'm Harper."

"Hey." he replied, sounding just as shy.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Ace." that's a cool name. I smiled.

• • •

"Ace! Come on! We're going to be late!" I said. Me and Ace were in the empty hallway at school. It was his second day here and I was showing him get around the building.

But we were late to class.


"So? I don't want to be late idiot." his lips twitched upwards.

"I don't care." I scoffed.

"You're so rude."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." I grabbed his hand and felt a fuzzy feeling inside of me, "Now let's go."

I dragged him to class.

• • •

"Harper, you're so pretty." he said.

"Stop it Ace, keep working on your homework."

"My bad."

"Yes it is and if you keep this up you'll fail."

"But you'll help me study right?"


• • •

I stared at Ace.

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