Chapter: 15

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The darkness of the film is a gloom that permeates every aspect of script and plot. Clouds loom in the sky, every shade of monochrome from sliver though storm grey leaving gaps only for the black night. Against the cars with their running boards lean the men, faces partially obscured not only by the lack of light but by the rims of their fedoras, some sits on the bricks and others holding chats with prostitutes. The only glint in the blackness comes not from the moon, but from cigarette tips like crazy red fireflies born to die.

In just minutes there will be a reason for the cops to cordon off the area, but not yet, there are still more illegal drugs to hustle. Soon more thugs and drug addicts will crawl out of the black night, after some wise-cracks and a negotiation that was never destined to succeed, there comes a classic car grabbing everyone's attention.

From it was a man that didn't appear to truly belong, it was as though he'd been parachuted in from Milan, Paris, or some other fashionable place none of the rest of us had ever been to. His attire was discernible from the darkening gloom. It was theatrical but well-worn, a long hooded trench coat and mask, along with his suitcase, and there following behind him was others in the same outfit.

"Who are these clowns?" A man smirk, before he cockily walked up to them, the smell of cigars diffusing in the air. He took a swift of it, letting it all out in their faces, after they all stop hands fold behind them.

"Who is the best drug dealer here?" The one with the suitcase spoke, seemingly talking with confidence as he ignores the man before him, who frowns.

"That's none of your business... if you know what's good for you." Every muscle on his face tightens, eyes narrowed, chin jutted outward. He reaches up to adjust his fedora, placing it at a jaunty angle on the back of his head, and took another swift of his cigar. The man looked down at him, red eyes shunning into the other whom for some reason becomes a little scared at first sight, but never shows it.

He frowns even more, "who the hell do you think you-"his sentence had been cut half-way through, blood spluttered from his throat, dripping slightly. That was until the man, with his nails digging into the other man flesh, removes his hands with much force, the blood began to gush on the floor. The almost decapitate head, fell along with the body. The screams began to echo throughout the street, some running away but others too dumb to move, was left glued to where they were. The man took out his cloth, wiping the filthy blood from his hands, flames exudes from his palms turning the bloody cloth to ashes.

"Who is the best drug dealer here?" the man with the suitcase asked once more, and everyone pointed in one direction, some giving way for the mysterious men's to see.

They walked up to the 'best drug dealer' who was shivering behind his stall, cold sweat trickling his forehead, and when the trio was near him, he looked up only to held his head down. The man place the suitcase on the stall top, before clipping it open, bags of stimulant could be seen.

"What is this?" was the only question which came from the poor man lip.

"I need you to sell these drugs, to every human but in secrecy. You are the best drug dealer, so you should know what to do...I will only approve of the answer 'yes', a 'no' would more likely get you killed and you should know that yourself", the man spoke, causing the other to gulp with no complains, but the thought of him being a 'monster'.




A groundless scream could be heard from the dark and deserted street. This place was abandoned. For centuries there have been tremendous amount of crimes taking place in this town, Blue Acres, at night it would be creepy, streetlights chipping on and off, and at times residents would be hearing shallow noise from behind, but see no one. All these reports began to spread, and become scarier, when far-fetched, but questionable rumors began to spread about human-like beast, which drains people's blood at night. At first no one believes it, that was until, a dead person was found, pale and boney as if all the liquid inside was gone. This marks the first death in Blue Acres, until even more murders tackled into action. The people began to get anxious and worried, and soon each month at least twenty people changes town.

Soon, crime rates began to rise exponentially. The results are intriguing, over a three year period, the result of crimes likely being committed in the darkness like auto-theft, robbery, and burglary and sexual assault-increased in the area of reduced light. To make matters worse, findings have state over hundreds of bodies were found every year, and all from different towns: Cave Valley, Green Hills, Red Island etc, and of course Blue Acres. The shocking sight of how the dead body state was in makes the investigators blood runs cold, all was in the color of paleness and liquid drained. The same state it was in the past years.

Investigators found out the root cause of the abnormal deaths, claiming that "all the victims were found with two punches mark an either part of the body, and which could be caused by a rare but dangerous animal", but this claim have not been proven to be truthful up to this date.

"You are really reading those dumbass fictions", Yoongi scoffed, gazing at the boy with an expressionless face, listening to that story just gave him headaches and loss of appetite.

"It's not fictions you dumbass, its ancient Greek mythology, get your facts straight", he affirmed and went back to read his book.

The others laugh, and once again Yoongi scoffed. "So you are telling me Hoseok, that you believe in that?" Mingi asked.

"Yeah, it's obvious that it is real...I mean, we all thought Jungkook would never get a lover but here we are, he is dating Jimin. Shows that nothing is impossible right?"

"Though you are right...If Jungkook heard that from you, he will make sure that you'll become dumber than you actually are", Hoseok laughs, "yeah but he is not here, so we can dis him as much as we like, no one will know".

There was a soft jingle as his entrance disturbed the bell at the restaurant door. The sense of familiarity that the gentle sound provoked was enough to tug at the corners of his smile. She acknowledges him with a smile as he approached the counter.

"Same again?" She inquired, though she already knew the answer; he ordered the same thing every day.

"Hey isn't that-"

He was a young man, still with a few of the needs of his boy-self, yet with strong blossoming's of confidence and fortitude. He had the appearance of one who had learned the look of confidence as a survival skill. He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden green eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility.

"Jungkook?" Said Hoseok, he looked away when the man turn to him. After handing over the appropriate coinage, he walked towards him and stopped.

"You know Jungkook?" They nodded, before they looked up at the man. "Jin-hyung?" He smile and sat beside them. "Yeah that's me", Jeon Seokjin, the eldest brother of Jeon Jungkook and the owner of one of the best clothing line 'Vintage Violet', he is also the eldest son of a well-known business conglomerate, he is one of the best top modelers in the country, you cannot miss seeing his face on the news, magazines and even on billboards just casually walking down the street.

I know, Jungkook's family is really top notch but-

What is he even doing in a place like this? Is he not afraid of getting mobbed by fans? "Since you guys are here, why don't we hang out?"

Mingi choked, "what? I mean is it okay to hang out with just a bunch of college students from a middle class family", he smirked, hands tucked at his jaw. "Why not, I mean you hang out with my little brother a lot, it's not the first we have seen each other. You did visit our home before right?" they gave a looked to each other, "I guess we can hangout then". What an unusual start of the day.

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