#6 Her?

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"Yo-you were following us?" shit! I stammered earning a smirk from him. God knows what's gonna happen next. "Of course nerd" he said taking a step forward.

"I see you've made some 'friends' here. Let's see how long they'll stay" he said taking a glance at Seongrin and Seulmin and then finally looking back into my eyes.

"Stop it Taehyung, let's go back" Namjoon said grabbing one of his arms from behind. "Wait hyung, I have something to ask from this nerd" he said making me gulp a HUGE lump down my throat.

"Enough!" we heard a loud voice from behind and then suddenly a hand appeared in between me and Taehyung.

Before I could realise, Seongrin held his face and pushed him backwards, stepping between us. "Kim Taehyung!" she said taking her hand back and crossing them in front of her.

"First of all, about us staying with her for how long.... So don't worry bout that, we'll stay with her longer than your hair stays black" she gave off a sarcastic smile.

"AND if! JUST IF! you ever tried to mess with her again, then you'll be responsible for what will happen to you later" she shouted with eyes closed and then finally glared before turning and holding mine and Seulmin's hand and starting to walk away.

We walked three steps and stopped again when we heard Jimin and Taehyung laughing like maniacs behind us. "What will you do? Call you mom to school?" we heard Jimin say.

I saw Seongrin's face getting all red because of the anger she was containing inside her. She closed her eyes tightly and then opened them again.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't see flames in her eyes. And the next thing we saw was Jimin lying on the ground with a bruise on his lip.

Seongrin punched him. SEONGRIN PUNCHED HIM!!! Wth! She was going to throw another punch but we held her back. "Now who needs mommy? Huh?" she shouted and turned and walked away.

"W-we're sorry but we forgot to tell you she is a very good fighter" Seulmin said holding my wrist and dragging me with her behind Seongrin.

*Time Skip*
(8:00 p. m.)

I was at the rooftop, waiting for V to come, when I heard his footsteps. Umm I don't know why but there was a slight heaviness in his footsteps today. He didn't felt cheerful today.

"Wassup buddy? Everything okay?" I shouted only to recieve a 'hmm' in response. "Is something bothering you? Won't you share it with me?" I asked and I heard him taking a deep sigh.

"There are some girls at my school and I don't like them at all" he started. "ooooooh fangirl issues, I see...you must be good looking" I said raising my eyebrows several times and smiling sheepishly as if he could see me teasing him.

"No! Its not like what you think it is!  Its this girl I told you about, she reminds me of someone from my childhood. Someone very bad" he said and I remembered him telling me about some girl at her old school whom he didn't like at all.

"Oh wait, is that girl in same school as yours again?" I asked and he said yes. "Damn you know what, today something similar happened with me too, a boy from my old school, whom I hate a lot, got himself admitted to my school and now I have to deal with his bullshit again" I said and sighed.

"Anyways, lets forget about those people whom we don't like, let's talk about something else" I said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Umm, I am very tired today, would you mind if we can leave early today?" he asked. "Oh its absolutely fine, but wait I am leaving something here, take it after I leave okay?" I said and put down the pastry box that I was holding and quickly pasted a sticky note on it.

"Okay" he replied... "Bye then" I shouted and he replied back "Bye Take Care, Good Night" and I left the place.


After she left, I got the box and it was a pastry box. There was a sticky note on it which said:-

Chocolate pastry helps me reduce stress, you can try too... Maybe it works for you too?
;) <3

I read the note and a smile made its way upto my lips. I sat down, squating on the floor and opened the box, I took a bite and looked up at the stars.

Why does 'she' look exactly like 'her'?

               ----END OF CH. 6----
{I don't know why some of you had problem with the 'her' thing in the last line... Her here refers to Ashley not Ash...
I hope it's clear now
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