#33 After so long

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We had so many questions and only one person who could answer them... Mom... I told Taehyung to come home with me and I don't know why he was a bit hesitant about it.

"I am sorry Ashley but... I think I won't be able to control my anger once I confront her" he said and I don't know why it made me somewhat upset but I understood him too... He lost his mom because of my mom, it's nothing to just let go.


When I told her that I won't be able to control my anger when I see her mom, she went into the pool of her thoughts as I could see her expressions changing.

After about a minute she looked at me and took a step towards me, gently taking both my hands in her small, soft ones and looking straight into my eyes.

She took a deep sigh before speaking "I know that it's difficult for you to talk or even speak to someone who was the reason of your mom's death... But we need to talk to her Taehyung".

She said and paused for a moment before continuing again "At least let's hear her out, let see what she has to say about it... After that whatever you'll decide... I promise I'll support you in that decision" she said looking sternly at me.

"Even if it's something not so good for her?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes... I know you're mature enough to differentiate between right and wrong" she said and I don't know why something inside me felt so happy about it...

After so long, someone is taking my side...


I know what I said could have bad results, we might end up sending mom to prison but somewhere inside me was telling me that won't happen.

I have been with that woman since birth and I am so so sure that my mom could never do something that wrong.

She has always taught me that we should always fulfil the promises we make then how can she be the one to break such a crucial promise? And if she did... I am sure that she had a reason for it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Taehyung pulled me into a hug and started sobbing silently in the crook of my neck.

"W-what happened Taehyung? Is everything okay? What's wrong why are you crying?" I asked while softly caressing his hair and he whispered. "Thank You for understanding me... And sorry for always disappointing you" He said between his sobs.

I don't know why I chuckled at his behavior. Shoot!

I separated from me, his nose and cheeks all pink... He looked like a baby.

"Why are you laughing? Is that so sunny for you?" He asked sounding upset and then I realised what I have done.


I don't know why she started laughing all of a sudden. I seperated myself from her and asked her what was so funny to her and her expressions changed to a sorry one.

"I-umm- I just... found you cute..." she said looking down fiddling her fingers and then apologized and this time I was the one smiling.

"You're smiling?" she asked shocked. "Why are you so cute?" The words slipped my mouth without me realising just to hear "you're more! I laughed because you look like a baby while crying" she replied also without realising what she said and then it was awkward silence.

*Time Skip*

We finally reached her place and the whole walk has been silent and calm yet our insides were burning with curiosity to know about everything that happened that day.

We stood outside her house as she took a long breath before extending her hand to me "want to hold hands?" she asked not really looking at me.

I don't know why my cheeks turned crimson red at her sudden boldness but I took her hand before she could take it back and then we walked in.


I was readying the table for dinner and as soon as I placed the chopsticks, I heard the door click open. "Why are you late today? You're always on time... Is everything okay?" I asked from the kitchen but no reply.

I quickly wiped my hands and ran out to look for her and found her standing with a boy. "Why weren't you replying? You scared me Ashley!" I said before hugging her.


Mom hugged me and I could see Taehyumg clenching his jaw from the corner of my eyes. I squeezed his hand thag I was still holding, gently to ease him and he looked at me helplessly.

His eyes we're telling me that he didn't really want any of us to be hurt but he couldn't contain his anger.

My mom finally separated from me and I spoke "I am fine mom" and she finally looked at Taehyung. "Who are you handsome boy?" she said and giggled slightly.

"Ashley you should've informed me earlier that you're bringing a friend home... I'd have prepared special dinner" she said smiling brightly at Taehyung but he stood there absolutely emotionless.

"Mom" I called her to bring her attention to me and now she knew that it was something serious when I said it in a deep tone.

I took out the paper from my pocket and showed it to her saying "Tell us mom... Tell us what do you have to do with this!?" I asked containing in my tears.

She took the paper from me and her expressions changed in an instant... she looked at Taehyung's face and then it hit her.


----END OF CH. 33----

𝙼𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 || KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now