#11 Early to school

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The next day I reached school early. Yes. I woke up early today. I don't know how but I did not sleep again or else I would've missed school.

I was walking very calmly, enjoying the morning weather. I entered the school expecting no one to be there since I was a bit too early today.

But I found a boy standing at the enterance of the building. To my surprise he was wearing the school uniform. I think he's new here.

I walked upto him and tapped his shoulder a few times and he turned around. Omo... So beautiful. Is he even real? He's like an angel. Wait am I still dreaming?

"No you're not... I am real and thanks for the compliment. You're beautiful too" he said bringing me back to reality and I realised that I said it out loud and now I was so embarrassed that I felt like digging a hole and burying myself into it.

"No need to bury yourself anywhere. It's ok to find someone attractive" he said again and smiled shyly. Oh gawd that smile- wait- I didn't say anything! This time I am sure that I didn't.

Could he- perhaps- read minds? "Yes I can... Like sometimes I can... When it is someone like you who is so obvious with their expressions" he chuckled.

"Woah That's amazing... By the way who are you?" this time I spoke up for real and tried to change the topic.

(Ok comment down everyone who do you think it is?)

"Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself, I am Sehun, Oh Sehun" he said shyly. He is cute when he's shy, I thought to myself but quickly stopped thinking because I didn't want him to hear that.

"Hi Sehun I am Ashley... Which class are you in" I asked and he checked his phone and told me and to my surprise he's in the same class as mine. Woah!

We went to our lockers and took the stuff for the first period and went to class. A few students have started coming by now but there was still a lot of time left.

He requested me to show him around the school and since I was free, I agreed and we went out. We walked around the school and I showed him various places.

We were walking in the playground talking about stuffs when suddenly something hit the back of Sehun's head and we turned around just to find 3 idiots standing there.

Taehyung was the one who threw the crushed empty can of his drink at Sehun.


The three of us entered the school and since there was still some time left for the bell to ring, we decided to roam around for a while.

We were walking in the playground when I saw a couple on the other side. I shrugged it off and kept walking until I noticed that girl was quite similar.

It was ASHLEY! Wait and who is she walking with? They were talking and laughing as if they've known each other since ages.

But how's that possible? Me and Ashley have been in same school since childhood and I never saw this guy before. And I have definitely not seen him in this school either.

Then who is he. AND ARE THEY GOING TO KISS IN THE PLAYGROUND? WTF!? They suddenly stopped and he held Ashley's face in his hand and leaned in.

My eyes widened with every inch of gap disappearing from between them, his lips making a slight pout.


Oh he just blowed on her eyes? I was confused and then I realised something must've fell into her eyes and he was only removing it.

I sighed and they started walking again. Some times, the back of their hands would brush with each other and they seemed unbothered by it.

But I was bothered. I don't know why... But I was... I crushed the empty can of cola in my hands and threw it to him and it hit the back of  his head and they turned around.

What.The.Fook! I screwed up. Why did I do that... Ahhhh!

                ----END OF CH. 11----

𝙼𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 || KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now