#29 Peace... inside out...

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I reached the rooftop by 6p.m. and quickly decorated the place. By 8p.m. I was done with the decorations and I knew he could be here anytime.

I heard footsteps and started singing "Happy Birthday to you" but it was weird that he didn't react to the decorations at all.

I called out his name and I heard him coming towards me. What the Hell? Why is he-
My thoughts were cut when I saw him there.


"Yah what are you doing here-" I started but was cut in the middle of my sentence. "Ashley dear... Let's keep it straight... I don't know why you keep running away from me? I love you isn't that obvious enough? And was I not good enough to you? Okay now be a good girl and accept my proposal... Be my girlfriend" he said and I felt the rage building inside me.

"Oh just cut the crap and don't you dare move a step forward!" I said holding out my free hand and slowly stepping backwards while my other hand was holding the gift I bought for him.

-??? POV-

I reached the rooftop with the police and saw her moving backwards without realising that she was almost at the end of the boundary.

I stretched out my hand and held hers in a tight grip before she could fall. I moved in front of her to pull her backa nd that's when I saw her face.


I turned back to take a glance at the man who followed her here and it was no one other than Sehun. He was right now being held by the cops and I pulled Ashley so that she could stand straight now.


I was about to fall backwards when someone held my hand. I opened my eyes that I have been closing tightly all this while. And what I saw next was just more than a shock.


Both of us were equally confused. I never thought I'd find him here. He glanced back at Sehun and then again looked at me finally pulling me to himself and now I stood straight.

*Time Skip*


I finally got rid of Sehun. I reported him for all the things he had been doing to me recently- sexual harassment, threatening, following everything.

I am finally free now.

The cops had just left the rooftop with Sehun and I sighed in relief. And then it hit me. Taehyung! What is he doing here?

I turned around just to find him showing his boxy smile while holding 'the gift' in his hands.

"Yah what are you doing?" "I knew it" we spoke up at the same time and paused for a moment ant then I spoke again "What did you know?" I asked.

"That it you! You are Ash! Ashley is Ash" he said punching the air in front of him and jumping in joy. "So what? I know that too..." I said and rolled my eyes "give the gift back to m-" I started and then I realised.

"WHAT THE HELL? DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE V!?" I said with my eyes popping out of the sockets. "What if I am?" he asked. "You can't be" I scoffed in disbelief.

"But I am.... I am V... Ash" he said holding up a fist and around his wrist was hanging the yang bracelet. I looked at mine and then back at his. This can't be happening.

Oh Lord... Don't tell me I have been backbiting ABOUT him TO him all this while? Aish... Ashley you're so stupid!

*Time Skip*

It took us some time to process it all and now we were sitting on the boundary of the rooftop, with our legs hanging while none of us said a word.


Both of us were sitting in complete silence. Only the wind was speaking... steady, cool winds.... clear starry sky and silence

It felt unreal but so satisfying. It's been a long time since I have felt this peace... inside out.

I took a glance at her and she was looking at the sky. Blinking her big doe eyes rapidly. The wind blowing her hair backwards while a few strands of her hair were shuffling around the bridge of her nose.

And then I remembered....


I was looking at the sky taking long breaths because I don't know when would be the next time I'll have this much calm and peace around me.

A few minutes later I felt someone tapping my shoulder slowly and I knew who it was. I turned my face just to find his face too close to mine.

I gulped down the small lump in my throat and opened my mouth to speak but before I could say anything, he grabbed my face and pulled me closer.

He used his other hand to remove the strands of hair that were falling on my face and I don't know why I had my heart racing at it.

A moment later he took something out of his pocket and placed his hand on my head. I felt him tucking something on my hair and I was confused.

He slowly pulled away from me and whispered "Done!... It's where it should be" and smiled softly which had my heart beating like crazy.

But what is he talking about? I touched my head and felt a hairpin there. I looked at him and he was holding his phone to me with camera ON.

I looked at myself and realised it was the same pin I gave him as a birthday present in the afternoon I looked at him and he still had his little, almost faded smile on.

"But I gave it to you" I said making his little smile grow bigger and turning into a boxy one. He looked down at his lap smiling and then brought his left hand to the back of his head and ruffled his hair.

"I know.... It's mine... And I put it on the right place" he said in a barely audible voice but I heard.

I was looking at him without realising that I was blushing all this while, when he suddenly looked back up...not at me but in front of him.

And to my surprise all that softness and smile that was there on his face a moment ago had disappeared like it was never there.

Woah Kim Taehyung and his duality

"Yah Stop blushing... It was of no use to me so I returned it to you" he said coldly with a straight face.


----END OF CH. 29----

𝙼𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 || KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now