Healing and an Undead Questionaire [14]

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'Was this the end...?' 

Jiyu thought as she opened her eyes, seeing nothing but light. She sat up from having been laying down, on what looked like a hospital bed. She looked to her right to see the same hospital bed, with a still unconscious Yashin. She looked to her left to see a third hospital bed with a sitting up Pico. 'How did we get out of there?' Jiyu thought, rubbing her head and finally noticing the old man in the corner of the room, in the doctors' seat.

''Oh, You're awake! Here, take this painkiller.'' The old man said, giving Jiyu a glass-half-full of water and a small pill. ''Thanks... Who're you? And uh, How'd we get here?'' She asks, finally realising the inescapable death that was waiting for them mere moments ago. ''That green-haired young man dragged you all out! Princess Alexandra issued my help to heal you.'' He answered with a sweet smile. ''Uh-huh... You got a name?'' Jiyu continued her questioning as he gave a more holding-in-a-laugh smile, ''My full name is Earl of Cupcakes! Though, It'd be easier to call me Earl!'' He replies with a slight cheesy grin. Pico looks over at the chatter and replies with a hint of relief, ''Thank god you two are okay! Ah- Who's this?'' he squints his eyes as Earl faced him to reply, ''You can call me Earl! I'm a doctor, of sorts!''. Before Pico or Jiyu could respond to the 'of sorts', neither of them had noticed that Yashin had woken up, confused, as the others were. ''Eh? Wait- Where are we?'' She mumbled in an exhausted tone. 

As Jiyu and Pico replied for Earl, he mentions that now they were all awake and well, they had visitors. Suddenly, the door burst open with an overreactive Akarui who went straight for a tight hug. ''Gah- Akarui you're squishing me!'' Yashin exclaimed as Akarui tightly hugged each one of them, ''Ack-karui! I'm glad you're worried but please... let go!'' Jiyu blurted, ''Aki, tune down the tightness for a sec!'' Pico blurted too. ''Sorry, guys! I was just so worried, wahah...'' Akarui started to tear up as Pico stood up and gave her a hug, ''It's okay, Aki... We're fine now!''. Behind Akarui, Linette and Seiko were spotted. ''I'm so glad you're finally awake! When we heard the news, Well... We really were worried!'' Linette stated, giving a quick hug to both Yashin and Jiyu. Then, Jiyu stood up and asked Seiko what the other two had been thinking ever since Earl answered with it. ''Seiko, How the heck did you save us from literal death?''. He was silent for a second. But answered with an unsure tone, ''Well, I'm a zombie! So... I couldn't have died twice, right? It was a good circumstance to save you.'' With this new information, only Earl and Akarui were left unsurprised. ''I don't know why everyone's surprised... Did the green skin not give it away for you guys?'' Akarui asked, confused. ''I didn't even notice that- I thought it was a hue from the lighting!'' Linette responded with one eyebrow lifted.

Just as the confusion was clearing, the convenience that was Princess Alexandra strolled in. ''I'm pleased you're all awake and unharmed. Although he's already fled the premises, I have sent out multiple search parties to apprehend Charlie Longfaol and sentence him to an eternity in jail for treason amongst the throne, theft of ancient artefacts and attempted murder. Worry not, things in the city are still safe.'' She said, strictly with a slight hint of worry towards the end of her mouthful. ''Thank you for the reassurance, Princess.'' Yashin exasperated with a smile. ''So... What now?'' Jiyu asks, looking over at the hoard of familiar people. ''Well... I have a question or two for Seiko.'' Pico said, and Linette agreed. ''Since Earl has informed me that you're fully healed, you may follow me to the tea room to sit down and have a well-needed discussion.'' Princess Alexandra says as she left the room. Everyone, including Earl, followed her one by one to the tea room.

The maid from before had handed out tea, along with coffee for Akarui, as people started asking their questions. ''So if you're a zombie who already died... How did you die?'' Jiyu asks, leaning towards Seiko's direction. ''Uh... Well, I'd prefer not to answer that yet, if that's okay...'' He replied as Linette softly reassured, ''Don't worry. You don't have to say if you don't want to.''. Seiko smiled and nodded as the next question was delivered by Yashin, ''I get that you can't die again but how did you actually get us out of the mountain?'' Seiko sat up and prepared his completely logical answer. ''Well, Because I'm already dead then I can't feel cold, so I just dug out of the snow and broke some ice here and there. It sounds simpler than it was...'' Akarui chimed in as soon as he finished to ask someone else a question. ''Earl, Why did you join us? Arent you just kinda the doctor?'' everyone turned to him as he replied with hesitation and had to even think about his answer, ''I'm not too sure. It just felt right, like something was saying I should stick around. Plus, the Princess doesn't mind!'' He finally says with his cheesy grin. ''Ah, Linette! I have a question for you and Princess Alexandra. I believe you stayed to discuss kingdom affairs, right? So is there any major details we're allowed to know?'' Pico's curiosity peaked as Linette smiled and answers for both herself and the Princess. ''Actually yes! Princess Alexandra and Queen Colette will be discussing the more private matters but Cloverton and Crystopia are officially allies along with other smaller assets like trade between our two kingdoms. As well as the small idea of forming an alliance.'' Linette whispered the last part with a secretive manner, even though the Princess already knew and simply humoured the moment as it lasted.

Their questions continued for each other as answers were given. Yet nightfall came and it was time for everyone to head to bed.

As Pico was once again heading to his room, he was caught by Seiko passing the training room they had previously seen each other from. ''Hey, Pico! Do you have a minute?'' he whispers as to not wake anyone up. ''Oh, Hi Seiko! Sure, I have time. What's up?'' Pico tilts his head as Seiko looks down and inquires, ''Well... I feel bad for not answering all of you and your friends' questions so... Can I share with you how I died? Please don't tell the others yet! I'd like to find a better opportunity...'' he sounded nervous as Pico immediately responds with a soft tone, ''Of course! It's up to you to tell who you want!'', ''Okay... To sum it up, My older brother kind of... well... killed me. I'm sure he had a good reason though! I really can't blame him for that day without reason! Sorry, It's probably really random for me to just share this...'' Seiko finished, hanging his head in shame. ''Hey, no, It's okay! I appreciate that you're comfortable around me to be able to tell me this.'' Pico smiled as Seiko looked up and simply mentioned before going back to his training, ''Thanks. But it's late, you should get some well-deserved sleep.''. Pico shrugged while exclaiming back to him, ''Don't stay up too late! And have fun with training!'' as he walked back to his room, keeping this new info locked away in his mind until Seiko mentions it to the others himself.

A good nights sleep should be what our main squad needs, right?...

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