Ungodly Affairs [26]

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A large building made of grey bricks came into their line of sight. 

At the front gates, Jinx gave the guards a card and they scanned it, handing it back to them and letting the four go in. 

The hallway felt long, there were rooms on each side. Small rooms. But rooms that apparently, a lot of crying happens in...

''Jinx, what is this place?'' Yashin asked as she huddled into Jiyu and Pico, nervous about the atmosphere of the building. ''It's a mental facility. In other words, therapy, psych wards, crazy people, depressed people, that stuff.'' Jinx replies with a smile, hands on the back of their head. Pico realised what Jinx said and spoke up, ''That's deficient...'' as Jiyu chuckled slightly. Jinx replied to Pico's remark, ''It is what it is, m'dude.'' They kept increasing their walk speed, trying to get to Nightmayor's room as fast as they could. They passed countless doors. Inside, they witnessed things similar to what Jinx said this place was for. A door labelled 'therapy 1' had four boys inside, all running around. A door labelled 'therapy 2' had a young woman with a clipboard and a little girl, sitting down and talking.  

Suddenly, they came across a door. The door looked like a thick metal slab. There was a mini slider door which Jinx slowly opened and started talking through. ''Hi again! It's your bestest friendo in the whole world!~'' Jinx laughed as a speaker above the door started vibrating, saying in a deep masculine tone, ''Visiting me again already, you vile gremlin? Doors open.'' it finished as Jinx pushed the doors' handle down and a clicking sound was heard. It opened and inside was a shadowy man, red eyes and messy, uncombed hair. He looked like he hadn't showered in years yet he smelled like lavender mixed with strawberries. 

''Nightmayor! Hey~ So about that cult prank I pulled a few hundred years ago... eheh'' Jinx started, giggling mischievously. Nightmayor facepalmed and said, ''You had it coming, Jinx. Now, who are these people?'' Nightmayor looked at Yashin, Jiyu and Pico as Yashin spoke up and introduced her and her friends. ''Uh- Hello! Mr... Nightmayor, sir! We need certain information... on someone that you may know, and know apparently well...'' Yashin nervously explained. Nightmayor crossed his arms and started speaking. ''I know who you mean. Itazura, no? Recently took over Kwamslak and its trade associates. Trying to collect crystals that were made to balance the magic in Ro'lyn only to then destroy said balance.'', Jinx sat silently on the white nursing bed that was in the corner of the room. Jiyu replies to Nightmayor's mini-explanation with a, ''Yeah, that sums it up thus far.''. 

''So how do we stop that from happening?'' Pico asked as Nightmayor walked over to a weird hole in the brick wall. He stuck his finger through the hole and opened up a small compartment. Inside was a dusty old book...

''This tomb lies the secrets within this world. Even worlds beyond Ro'lyn have been recorded. But there is something... a riddle. Something that if solved, will tell you directly how to stop Itazura.'' Nightmayor explained as he started reading out the riddle.
'' 'When shadows take over, darkness looms. Cast aside, all creatures homes. To take back the throne in which inlaid. Unite all creatures, those unslain. With temple hearts as one, save the sane and kill the shadow's fun.' ''.

''I'd tell you what it means but... Well, I don't know.'' Nightmayor finished, sighing and putting the book back. Jinx wasn't paying attention at all as Jiyu realised something. She decided to just ask about it instead of holding back her freedom of speech. ''Hold on, You and Jinx are literal GODS, right?! So how come you don't know how to solve that kind of riddle? Especially ancient tomes from who-knows-how-long ago!'' Jiyu practically snapped as Yashin laid a hand on her shoulder and she cleared her throat. Jinx stood up and replied, realising Jiyu's innermost thoughts. ''Cmon, Kitty. Just because we're gods, doesn't mean we know everything. And I'd explain more but all this serious-godlike-work nonsense is just not my shtick.'' Jinx is about to open the door to let themselves out when Nightmayor finally speaks again and jokingly says, ''What? Can't handle adult responsibilities?'' Nightmayor held in a chuckle as Jinx looked back and replied with a snarky smile, ''At least I'm not an old man stuck in a mental hospital!''. Jinx was about to shut the door, they made a strange hand sign towards Nightmayor, with Nightmayor returning the sign in a form of communication. During this interaction, Yashin, Jiyu and Pico had no choice but to watch in confusion and wait for it to end to continue their interrogation.

Pico then leaned on the wall, ready to ask another question for Nightmayor. ''From what we were told, you know Itazura well. What would you say are your opinions on her?'' as Nightmayor thought for a moment, not speaking for a solid minute. As if the question threw him off. The sole fact he had to think about it was enough of a hint that even the gods of this world are useless. Nightmayor sighed, then answered, ''She's not a bad person. She never used to want to hurt anyone. Being in this position of power makes her feel in control... At least, that's what I think.'' Nightmayor paused before Yashin asked if that was all. Nightmayor finally continued, ''Unlike me, she was born with her ability. But while you want to save this world, Itazura doesn't think it can be saved. Honestly, after everything, Itazura would rather be a monster, but does that truly make her one, I wonder? Hah...'' Nightmayor chuckled, holding in a bigger laugh.

The door shut as Jinx waited for them outside. Pico had written the riddle down on a piece of scrap paper and Nightmayor had rushed them out of his room. ''It's getting late and you wouldn't want to walk alone at night in Wytherspear,'' Nightmayor mentioned as he held the door open from his side of the room. The trio said their goodbyes and strolled back to their temp home at the Inn, ready to catch their friends up on everything.

Meanwhile... Jinx stayed behind, 'catching up' with Nightmayor and what's been happening the past few hundred years.

''You lied to them.'' Jinx stared into Nightmayors eyes, in a serious tone. ''And how would you know that.'' Nightmayor stared back, despite knowing the answer already. ''Simple. I know what you know. Itazura wasn't born yesterday. She has a solid history with us gods... and the Divine Council.'' Jinx smirked as Nightmayor briefly spoke in a whisper to himself, ''Some people are harder to save than others... But that doesn't mean they're not worth saving.'' which Jinx ignored and said, ''You could've told them what the riddle meant, at least.'' as Nightmayor chuckled and sat on his bed. ''You know the Divine Council made it a riddle for a reason, right? The hero is supposed to solve it... not be given the answer every time they ask a stranger.'' Nightmayor crossed his arms as Jinx laughed out loud, pretty much having a laughing fit to the answer he gave. ''True, But isn't it just so fun to see the divine's newest creations be destroyed? I mean cmon... The closer they get to stopping Itazura, the quicker the world will end as we know it.'' Jinx kept laughing, trying to stop now and then after each sentence. ''Jinx... I know we're alone but it doesn't mean you can say such invalid facts.'', ''My facts are as valid as you, Nightmayor. We were both there when the Divine Council made this world! And we'll be there to see a group of kids destroy a creation created by... well, you know exactly who I'm talking about.'' Jinx stopped laughing but kept the mischievous grin. 

''I guess we'll let the leaves fall where they may...'' Nightmayor sighed as Jinx finally left the room, not before saying with a smirk...

''The show must go on.''

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