Wythering Secrets [47]

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Shimmering white specs were welcoming a newly built GalacticArc. The purple-blue galaxy around it had been no less beautiful than the first time the three travelled from Cloakskyne to Crystopia.

Usually, Yashin would look out at the galaxy alongside Jiyu, however, she couldn't help but notice Jiyu's eyes lighting up at the vast sea of limitless possibilities ahead. Her heart felt a flutter and her cheeks got brighter... which was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the GalacticArc starting to hover down, lower and lower, until they hit the Crystopian ground.

Before Pico could let the girls know he was about to take the GalacticArc to the ship hangars, he was pushed back by a heavy force, being bear-hugged by an excited Akarui.

She exclaimed with a giant smile, ''PICO! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH... You too, Yashin and Jiyu!'', Pico laughed it off and replied, ''Haha, I missed you too, Akarui!''. Yashin and Jiyu smiled at the sight as they then saw Linette skipping her way over as she too was excited to see the three again. She lightly hugged Jiyu and then Yashin, explaining, ''It's so good to see you guys again! When you sent us that text in the group chat, Akarui basically ran a marathon to ask if I saw it too! Which, of course, I did!'' she giggled softly and then turned to Pico. ''Oh, and Pico, don't worry! I've requested some loyal castle staff to take your ship to the hangars whilst we head to the castle! We'll sit and catch up and Colette can tell you the great news!'', ''Wow, that sounds great, Linette! We're so glad to be back!'' Yashin said as Jiyu frantically nodded in agreement. Then Akarui whispered over to the three, ''She's been planning this reunion since this morning!'' as she gave a mischievous grin and they all gave a chuckle, happy to be together but almost sad that they hadn't met with Seiko or Cyrus yet.

After a few minutes, they were in the castle and sitting with Queen Colette as she expressed her joy in seeing them again. ''Before we start, I simply must finally tell you all about the alliance with Cloverton!'' Colette said excitedly as she put down her tea. ''After you left Cloverton, Princess Alexandra and I talked quite a bit! We've decided upon a name as well, which is... The Clovetopian Alliance! With this, we can not only aid each other in battle but can help each other's kingdoms via trading supplies! Segwaying back to our original discussion, the alliance can 100% help you in the fight against Itazura.'' Queen Colette finished as Jiyu responded, ''That sounds amazing!'', Akarui replied in agreement, ''Yeah! I think she'd have told us sooner if she hadn't found out you guys were coming back today!''. Continuing their catch-up, Pico asked Linette something, curious, ''So Linette, have you continued with your spell casting?'' as she answered, ''Yep! Thanks to Grandma Majo's help, not only have I learned more spells and witchcraft but I've also learned some juicy secrets from her and Earl!... Though, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone.'' Linette paused as she held in a giggle. Finally, a maid came in with a crate of books. Queen Colette started to explain, ''I have to get back to my duties right now but I've found these old books of legend. I'm hoping they can help you more in this adventure!'' she finished as she got up, bowed and left the room.

After saying their goodbyes, Linette picks up one of the books which is quite relevant as it was about the 'shadow people' species. ''Let's see... this looks like what Itazura is! 'Speciology VOL.9, Vokunyr. The Vokunyr is a mortal who possesses shadow-like abilities and a form of a black shadowy cloud. They can only lose their form and abilities if they wear a Shadyr necklace and it happens to break whilst still on the wearer. In which case, mages and doctors alike suggest going to a hospital immediately to be prescribed medication to reawaken and thus regain one's form and abilities. After taking such medication for a few days, the abilities and form should be fully retrieved.' Well, that's interesting.'' Linette finished reading as Yashin had a piece of paper and a pen, taking notes of any and all information they find. Jiyu spots another one that had phoenix-like wings on the front. She started to read it, '' 'The Legend of Firebird. Firebird was the name of a vigilante in Wytherspear. Their species was a Pyronyx. A rare type of Pixi with large, red feathered wings and wield pyro magic. They also can hide their wings and exchange them with regular Pixi wings. This species is so rare that only 1 in 10 trillion exist which is what made Firebird stand out. They were a hero for those who were discriminated against. Their main weapon of choice was a bow and arrow, and most of the time used their pyro magic to light the arrows on fire before firing. They stole from the rich to give to the poor and is believed to have started the rebellion known as the Pyxx Guild. A few years ago, Firebird's appearances became less and less, some theorise that they may have passed away but others think that Firebird is waiting to come back at the right time.''' Jiyu finished reading as Yashin noted that down too. 

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