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After I got up from taking a nap, my phone was blowing up with photos, emails, text messages, phone calls, updates. I sat up on my bed, grabbed my phone from my night stand and checked all the notifications. Most of them where posts and articles from when me and Heechul broke up... it's a sensitive subject, but I just try my bed to ignore everything about it. One article in particular caught my attention. It was Sana and Tzuyu! I read the whole article.

           Breaking News: Twice and Sana
reveal they're dating? Potential break up?

         It was revealed from an eyewitness who took this photo and the video:  *insert photo and video* Twice's Sana and Tzuyu we're dating!! After revealing the shocking information about the two idols, it seems like Sana cheated on Tzuyu with another woman! In the video, we can clearly see another woman in the video and it was none other than Gfriend's member, Eunha! The idol is going through a disbandment, but seems like she potentially caught herself in a dating scandal! The heartbroken idol, Tzuyu runs out of the café while the others stayed there in shock! How electrifying! There's so many questions about this! Hopefully we get answers.

After I read the article, I was in complete shock. I ran out of my bed room and the only person I thought of showing this to was Tzuyu. I'd figure she would be back by now. I ran to her room, and knocked on her door. "Tzuyu? It's Momo. I need to show you something." I said on the other side of the door. I heard footsteps walking towards the door and it opened just a crack. "Yeah?" She asked without any emotions. I whip out my phone to show her a video from the café.... It was the video from the same article. "It's all over the internet." I said with a concern tone in my voice. "It's okay. I'm leaving anyways. Don't tell the others, but I'm going back to Taiwan. My next flight out is the day after tomorrow morning." I was shocked. I had tears in her eyes. She opened her door for me and hugged me, trying to comfort me. "It's okay. I'll be coming back soon." She reassured me. I stopped crying and gets out of the embrace. I start sniffing. "Please come back soon..." I said worryingly. "I will, I promise." She said with a fake smile on her face. I left and then she shut the door. I was starting to feel a little anger towards Sana. I don't understand why she would do this all of a sudden.

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