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I didn't want to wake up, but I had to. I felt numb. It's 7:30 in the morning, it's the time I usually wake up to go for a jog, but this numbing pain makes me want to stay asleep longer. I get up anyways to get dressed and throw my hair up into a high ponytail. I put my socks and sneakers on, then grabbed my phone, and headphones. I then walked out of my room to head to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. As I was heading pass the living room, I stopped and saw Sana sitting on the couch with her legs to her chest. She looked confused. When she realized someone was in the living room with her, she looked up at me. She instantly got up with tears in her eyes. "Tzu-" She got cut off with me walking past her heading straight to the kitchen. She then followed me into the kitchen trying to talk to me. "C-can we talk?" She asked me while my back was faced to her, grabbing a water for the jog. Once I got the water, I turned around and tried walking past her. As I was doing so, she reached and grabbed my wrist making me stop in my tracks. "Listen to me... please." She said with her voice trembling like she was about to cry while still holding my wrist. I broke free from her and turned around to look at her with nothing but anger and tears in my eyes. "You wanna know what hurt me, Sana? The fact that you weren't being honest with me. The fact that you decided to play me. The fact that you could sit here and lie to my face telling me that you love me. You don't love me. You only love yourself." I said to her with anger in my voice, but with tears streaming down my face. "But I do love you...." She said while crying, she couldn't hold her tears in any longer. "If you truly love someone, you don't try to hurt them. I've always been there for you. I never once dated anyone other than you while we were on that break. I never once cheated on you. I never once lied to you. So why hurt me?! Why go back out with me, and then cheat on me?! Especially with ur ex?! That's low." I said, still with anger. She just stood there and started crying, apologizing over and over. I've had enough of it. I left the room and went for a jog.

~Time Skip~

I haven't gotten a call or a message from JYP about the articles. He knows it's true. Once I came back from the jog, I took and shower and put a fresh clean pair of clothes on and left my hair down. I then gathered all of the members into the living room, except for Sana. She was already in there. "What's going on?" Nayeon asked sounding confused. Everyone agreed with her. "Are we doing a V-live?" Jihyo asked. "No, I need to tell you guys something. As you may have know, me and Sana are no longer together." I paused and looked at Sana, she was sitting alone on the floor. She looked guilty. I looked back at the other members. "With that being said, I decided to take a break from all activities for a while.... This is hard to say, but I'm heading back to Taiwan." I said trying not to cry. Momo didn't have a reaction because she was the first person to know. Everyone was shocked. "When is the flight?" Dahyun asked. "Tomorrow morning." I said putting my head down. They all got up with tears in their eyes and gave me a group hug. Sana stayed in her spot. "Don't cry, you'll make me cry." I pouted while smiling at them. We all wiped our tears away and started enjoying the last remaining hours together. I soon fell sleep on the couch. When I woke up, everyone was gone except for me and Sana. Sana was sitting next to me. I guess she was waiting until I woke up, because she was staring at me. She got nervous and looked away. I sat up and before I could get up, I felt her grab me on my shoulder and it made me face her. Before I could say anything, she cupped my left cheek with her right hand and she kissed me. My eyes widened but then softened because I knew why she was doing this. She felt guilty. I quickly pulled away. "Stop. It makes me uncomfortable." I said to her, looking into her eyes with no emotions. I left her in shock as I stood up and went into my room and played games on my phone.

~Time Skip~

An hour went by and I got bored. I decided to put leggings and a tank top on along with socks and sneakers. I grabbed my phone and headed down to the dance practice room. As I was about to walk in, I saw Sana and Eunha talking. I decided to be nosy and listen upon the situation. "I don't think we can see each other anymore." Sana said while looking down at her thumbs. "Why?" Eunha asked confused. "Because I'm still in love with Tzuyu.... I feel bad for what I did... I shouldn't have done it... she's done nothing but love me and all I did was hurt her.... Because of me, she's leaving.... She won't even look at me the same anymore....." I could hear that she was breaking down. I had enough of listening. I didn't want to hear anymore. I stopped being nosy and walked up to them. I looked at Sana, then at Eunha. "Take care of her." I said to Eunha like I didn't care. I then walked pass them heading into the doors of the dance practice room.

~Time Skip~

After practice, I sat in front of the mirror. It was now 6:00 P.M. and I was debating if I should've continued or not. But then, I heard the door open. There stood, Jeongyeon. We made eye contact and then she sat next to me. "There you are. Everyone has been looking for you." Jeongyeon said with concern in her voice. "I've been here for a few hours. Sana didn't tell you? I walked passed her and Eunha coming in." I said while looking into her eyes with confusion. "Sana hasn't been speaking that much to anyone right now. We are upset with what she did to you. I actually wanted to talk about that with you though." She said looking away. "I don't know. I'm not in the mood. I don't have time for her." I said looking away with a little bit of anger in my voice. "I get what she did was wrong, but she's sorry for what she did. I've seen her trying to make up for it. Me and her talked. Her and Eunha are no longer seeing each other. She also removed her password from her phone." Jeongyeon said while still looking at me. I didn't look at her. I honestly don't know how I feel about it. 'Should I forgive her?' I thought to myself. I look at Jeongyeon and we both decided to head back to the dorm.

~Time Skip~

As soon as we go back to the dorm, she went to her room and I went up to Sana as she was on the couch. She looked at me with a puffy face like she's been crying, but with tears still streaming down her face. Her face lit up when she saw me. I walked over to her and she immediately stood up. "I forgive you. Bu-" Before I could finish my sentence, she hugged me. "Thank you! I won't do it again, I promise! I love you." There was silence after she said that. I pushed her off a little bit and we made eye contact. She looked confused. "I forgive you, but I don't think we should continue with the relationship. I'm still heading to Taiwan tomorrow morning." As I said that, tears were streaming down her face again. I went to my room to finish packing the rest of my stuff that I wanted to bring. I then went to bed, excited to go back to Taiwan. Even if it's not for that long.

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