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It was morning and everyone was getting ready to leave for the music video shoot. I was the first one up and ready. I was sitting on the couch watching TV waiting for the others to get ready. "Tzuyu." I looked up to see Dahyun ready. "Yes?" I asked. She sat down next to me. "I have something to tell you. I don't know how you'll take it." She told me. She looked all worried and I looked at her concerned. "What's wrong? Is everything ok with you and Sana?" I asked all worriedly. At this point, I was confused. I turned my whole body around and looked at her. "Um.... I don't know how to tell you this." She began to look down. "Dahyun, if you don't want to tell me then don't-" She cut me off before I could finish what I was going to say. "Sana is in the hospital." That surprised me. "Eh?" I asked not comprehending what she just said. Before she could even tell me anything, I got up and ran to the door without shoes and ran out of the dorm. I didn't think I had time to put shoes on, I just got up and ran out of the dorm. I didn't know how to drive yet, so I started to run to the hospital. I got a call on my phone and that made me stop. I looked at the collar ID and it was Sana. I quickly answered. "Hello? Sana are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked question after question until I ran out of breath to speak. "Tzuyu." I waited for her to continue. "Where are you? Everyone is waiting for you so we can leave." Then it hit me. Dahyun pranked me. I told her everything while walking back to the dorm. "Oh." Was all she could say. I hanged up the phone and put it into my purse. I walked into the dorm and saw Sana sitting on the couch with Dahyun. Sana was scolding her. Sana saw me and then she got up from the couch. I ran to her and gave her a hug. She was startled and so was I. I didn't think at the time. I was just glad it was a joke and that she's not actually hurt. I let go of Sana and I had worry written all over my face. "Don't worry, I'm not hurt in any way. I'm ok." She reassured me. I nodded and looked at Dahyun who was standing up with her head hanging low. "Sorry, Tzuyu...I'm really sorry.." She was about to cry. I walked over to her and she looked up at me. I saw tears running down her face. I gently wiped her tears off her face. I looked at her in the eyes. "Why did you do that? I scared me to death. If anything bad had happened to Sana, I don't know what I would do. Don't scare me like that." I looked at her with a soft expression and then she nodded. I said that loud enough for Sana to hear that because I want her to know how much I care for her.

~Time Skip~

We're at the set for the music video. I was dressed in black dress, high heels and with a pearl necklace. My hair was black so it was perfect for the scene. I was all done for my scenes and I had to change into the crop top, small jacket, shorts and sneakers. I also changed my makeup. I had to match with the others except for hair. Sana was the last one to shoot her scene and she was dressed up with a crop top that had a blue bow on it, a light pink skirt and her blonde hair half up and to top it all off, she had a toy wand. She looked so cute. I was waiting behind the camera waiting for her scene to be done. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was mesmerizing. She got done her last scene and then changed into the outfit that the rest of us were wearing. She changed her hairstyle too. I honestly like her blonde hair. It looks good on her. I snapped out of my thoughts when Nayeon walked up to me. "Tzuyu. Can I ask you something?" She asked while looking at me. I turned towards her and nodded my head. "Do you have feelings for Sana?" Nayeon suddenly asked me. "Why?" I asked her sounding confused. "You're always staring at her, whenever she says your name, you blush like crazy, you seem upset that she's dating Dahyun. Just a guess." She noted. I looked down then looked back at her. "Why would I like someone when I'm already in a relationship and when she's in a relationship too? I would find it unfair for Jungkook and Dahyun if I liked her or if she liked me. Why? Because Dahyun loves Sana and Jungkook loves me." I just looked at her. I said all of that without thinking. I realized what I said and then I agreed with myself. "Ok. Well, let's go. We have to finish the rest of the mv shoot so we can get this done faster. Sana already changed." She said and I agreed.

~Time Skip~

When we finished the with the mv, it was getting dark. We went to the dressing room to change into our everyday outfits and taking off our makeup. I checked my phone and I saw that I had a couple of messages.

Jungkook: Hey, what are you up to?
Jungkook: I was thinking that we should go on a date tonight.

I smiled and replied to the message.

Tzuyu: Sure, I just got done shooting for our mv. Where should we meet? Or are you picking me up from the shoot?

I put my phone down on the stand next to me and sat down in the chair ready to take my makeup off. I got all of my makeup off and then I got a message.

Jungkook: Oh, ok. I'll meet you at the set. It might take a while though.

With that, I responded.

Tzuyu: That's fine. I'm patient. I'll see you when you get here. Love ya 💖

Jungkook: Ok, love you too 💖

After that, I put my phone back down on the stand and started getting all excited about the date. In the mirror I saw Momo walking up to me. She was already done changing into her normal clothes and had her makeup off. "Are you ready?" She asked me. "Actually, I'm going on a date with Jungkook tonight. He's picking me up." I looked at her and smiled when I said that. "Ok, well, see you when you get back. Have fun and don't stay out too late, bye." She waved at me. I waved back. Everyone was gone and I was the only one left. I was waiting for Jungkook. An hour has passed and I checked my messages. Nothing. I took my phone and walked out. I stood outside and waited. It started to rain. I still stood there. 10 minuets passed and there was no sign of him. At this point, I was getting drenched. There was a bus stop near by so I ran to it. Before I reached the bus stop, I saw Jungkook getting out of the car. I smiled. "Jung-" before I could finish my sentence, I saw him opening the passenger door. A tall beautiful woman with long brown hair stepped out of the car and opened her umbrella up. I saw them smiling and talking. He held her hand and walked up to the bus stop. Tears streamed down my face. I was standing there. Getting soaked. Watching my boyfriend cheat on me. He kissed her and waited under the bus stop. I walked over to the bus stop and stood in front of them with my back facing them. Hoping he wouldn't recognize me. My phone started to ring and I guess that made them look at me. I answered my phone. "Hello?" Trying to sound like I was ok. It was Sana. "Are you on the date with Jungkook?" She asked me. "No. I'll explain it later. Bye." I hanged up before she could even say anything. I still had tears streaming down my face. "Tzuyu?" I didn't respond. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. He was holding the girls hand. "So, this is why you were late?" I asked crying. "I'm sorr-" Before he could answer, I interrupted him. "Don't. I don't want your excuses." I said. I walked out into the rain and started walking. He chased after me. Leaving the girl behind. "Tzuyu!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his car. He shoved me inside the passenger side and shut the door. He got into his side of the car and started the car. He locked my door. "Let me out." He ignored me. "LET ME OUT!!" I screamed. I took out my phone and called Sana. He tried to take my phone away from me but I smacked his hand. I cried into the phone waiting for Sana to answer. "Hello?" I heard her voice. "HELP ME!!!" I screamed into the phone. I told her what's happening and what's going on. She hanged up. I put my phone down in anger and looked at him with puffy eyes while I was still crying. "Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't answer.

~Time Skip~

We got to a motel and he dragged me inside by my wrist. The more I was struggling, the more it hurt. We got to a room and he shoved me inside. He shut the door and locked it. I was sitting on the bed. He grabbed me towels and extra clothes. He told me to go take a shower and blow dry my hair. I did just that. I came out of the bathroom wearing the extra clothes with my hair dried. I had my wet clothes and my phone in one of my hand. He was sitting on the bed. What he doesn't know is that I texted Sana where I was and what's going on right now. She should be on her way. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. "TZUYU!!!" Sana screamed my name. "SANA!!" I screamed her name with tears running down my face. "GO AWAY!" Jungkook screamed. "OPEN UP!" Sana screamed while jiggling the door knob. I ran to the door and managed to unlock it before he could even get near me. I ran out of the room with Sana. We ran to her car and got in. For the whole car ride, it was quiet. We got to the dorm and we started walking towards the door. "Tzuyu." I turned to look at her. She hugged me. "I'm sorry for what you went through tonight." Then she let go. I didn't say anything. We went in the dorm and went to our separate rooms. I couldn't sleep that night. I hope Sana got to sleep though.

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