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Dear Tzuyu
Hey, it's been 4 weeks since the incident. They still haven't found out who did it. We ask them to work day and night until the culprit is found or at least until you wake up. I'm sorry I haven't been the best leader. I'm sorry I haven't protected you as much as I should've. But just know that I love you and I miss you. I've been going to the hospital myself, this week and I asked the others to take a break. I tried to have a conversation with you but, I realize that you're not awake. Every time I see you laying in that hospital bed with your eyes closed and the sound of that monitor, I cry. I just break down crying. We can't lose you, Tzuyu. Please come back. Please wake up. Sana isn't functioning right. She isn't her old self. She's gotten a lot skinnier. She looks like a pile of bones. She told us she won't eat unless you're awake. Please wake up soon. We want this nightmare to be over. We just want our member back. I don't think we can perform without you. It's been 4 weeks since we've went on stage and we haven't made an album yet. We won't go on stage or make an album until you wake up. We need you here with us, breathing, talking, laughing. Just please come back. We love and miss you.

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