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Ever since that might, I've been worried about Tzuyu. She hasn't came out of her room for 2 days. I don't even think she's eaten anything. I should've just told her the truth. I shouldn't have lied to her. I feel like it's all my fault... well... it is because well, I should've told her how I felt instead of lying to her. I hate myself. I was sitting on my bed all dressed holding an emoji pillow. I heard a door open and close. That must be Tzuyu's door. I put the pillow somewhere and peaked out my door. No one was around. I went to the bathroom and stood there for 6 minuets. I was about to knock on the door but I didn't. My hand was frozen in place. What do I say to her? I kept thinking that over and over. Suddenly, the bathroom door opens and it reveals a skinny Tzuyu. She looks so empty. Like she's just expressionless. Like she's drained. I can't read her face. I can't tell if she's bored, sad, mad, annoyed. I can't tell. "T-tzuy-" Before I could finish my sentence, she walked away and went to her room. I followed after her. "Are you going to ignore me and everyone again?" I asked her. She turned around. She looked at the floor then back at me. still expressionless. She just stood there. "You know, you look skinnier than 2 days ago." I said. She nodded her head. "Can we please talk?" I asked her. She tried to walk pass me but I grabbed her wrist and it made her stop. She turned to look at me. "Why can't you love me?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. "Because I don't feel the same." She responded. With that, I let go of her and I just stood there while she walked away.

~Time Skip~

We got to the photo shoot and we got our hair done and makeup done and we changed into different outfits. I was the first one to do it so I quickly got it done and over with. When I was done, I saw Tzuyu head to the bathroom so I waited a couple of mins and headed to the bathroom as well. I was about to open the door but I was nervous. I kept telling myself it was ok and there's nothing to worry about. I finally opened the door. I saw Tzuyu looking in the mirror but she quickly looked at me. "Sorry. I didn't know you were in here." There was silence after I said that. "S-so, I-I'll get going." I was stuttering and I don't know why. Maybe it was because I was nervous. Before I could walk out, she spoke up. "Bathroom is all yours. I was just washing up." Then she walked passed me. When she closes the door behind her, I cried. She spoke to me for the first time in 2 days. I missed her voice. After a couple of mins, I whipped my tears and fixed my makeup and then I walked out of the bathroom and saw Tzuyu with her stylist. The stylist was taking her time at first but they she quickly finished it. I bet Tzuyu told her to hurry up with it. After she was done with getting her photos taken, everyone sat at their own mirrors and took off their makeup. In the process of taking mine off, I saw Tzuyu texting someone. I shrugged it off but then I saw her standing up to go leave. So, I followed her. I saw her walking in the road to the other side. I then saw a car coming up really fast and I guess she did too because she stopped in the middle of the road. Then, it happened. It hit her. It was a hit and run. "TZUYU!!!" I yelled while crying. I ran over to her and dropped to my knees. I was crying really bad. Everyone ran outside and saw me and my hands covered in blood. Crying over the love of my life that go hit by a car. We all rushed to the hospital.

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