Ink's Prayer

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Ink walks for a bit, with Hibari next to him, as they are both walking to Ink's house.

It was nice, to walk next to one of the kindest person to ever be with him

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It was nice, to walk next to one of the kindest person to ever be with him. In fact, it is nice to be with the single kindest and innocent friend that Ink had in his life. It was so great that...the feeling of happiness that he has almost felt so real and not an articulate form of happiness.

"Isn't a nice afternoon to walk outside, Ink?"

Hibari spoke out to Ink, as she skipped beside the artist, with Ink nodding, smiling.

"Yeah, it is, Hibari. It was nice of you."

Hibari smiled brightly. As Ink began to look around. Unfortunately...he than frowned at what he is seeing before his eyes.

For you see...the people that had hurt him are not just very bad people that discriminate against the weak. They are also people that lied. They had made up believable stories that the civilians believed that it had made them very famous, and because of that...they ended up making a large mess. There are action figures of them, there games based on them...there are a lot of stuff that they had done, and needless to say, not been the appearances of buildings are safe from this thing. Some of the buildings even have the faces of the bullies on them, and needless to say, it is getting very disgusting, more and more for Ink as time continues.

Ink shook his head, as he than tries the best he could to try and ignore it. But because it is everywhere at once, it is getting more and more annoying by the passing minute. He puts his hand on his head, as he tries to pretend that this thing he is seeing is not there. But the problem is that it is impossible to not look at it, especially with something that is everywhere. How is it that Ink has not exploded with so much immense frustration and rage, he will never know. Thankfully, Hibari grabbed onto one of his hands, and was able to calm him down. It made Ink nearly smile at that, as Hibari really knows how to make him feel a lot more better.

 It made Ink nearly smile at that, as Hibari really knows how to make him feel a lot more better

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"Heh. Thank you, Hibari. I really needed that."

Ink spoke out to the pink-haired girl with the odd-looking eyes that she has. How she is even born with these, Ink will never know. But at least he gets to have a buddy that had unique eyes like he does, along with his brother, Papyrus. They should all be called the odd-eyes crew, his so that they name could sound in such a very cool way.

The Soulless Artist and the Guardian of the Doodle Sphere (Union Academy x Ink)Where stories live. Discover now