A Swapped Intruder

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Ink Sans stretched his arms, as he than began to stand up from his bed. And clearly...he felt very exhausted from the fact that he had to help Dream Sans with having to help not just one but 3 Sekirei. And needless to say, Ink is not sure if he can take anymore of this, and that is if his body can take anymore of what he had to endure. If he was still his soulless emotionless self, than he would not have this much of a problem to deal with. But he does not want to worry his Sekirei, and wants to reassure them that he is still okay. And he has no idea on what will happen if he becomes emotionless, and because of this, decides to still keep his emotions, in order to make sure that the Sekirei do not get suspicious of him.

But with Dream, he now has to live in a bigger house, due to the fact that he now has 3 Sekirei with him. Luckily, Ink was able to make more rooms for the other 2 Sekirei to be inside of. And thanks to that, Musubi and Yume are happy to be staying with Dream. And needless to say, while Ink is not sure of what type of impact that Dream's Golden Apple has on the Sekirei, it is very obvious that it is doing a little bit well compared to Ink himself, who only has a limited use of emotions in order to constantly power his Sekirei up. Only thing good that the both of them share is that they are unable to feel hatred. So thanks to thar, it will not get in the way of having to make them weak.

Of course, Tsukiumi is gonna have to get used to this sort of thing, since she does not like the fact that there are 3 other competition here to try and win Dream's eternal love. Dream has tried many times to say that he loves them all equally, but his attempts were not very confident, and the rivalry simply grew. Though at least it was not serious, and it is simply in a way that made them challenge each other in non-harmful stuff, such as simply racing to a supermarket to by food for Dream. Of course, that is only in the case of Musubi and Tsukiumi.

Well, at least that Dream is not having any bad stuff that is happening to him, as well as his Sekirei. Is may have look like a problem at first, but he is still okay, as well as the Sekirei, so nothing bad is really happening.

As for Ink, he decided that he really needed to take some fresh air a little bit. After all the stress that he had in having to deal with Issei and his annoying Sekirei-Chasing habits, Ink decided that he really needs to take a load off. Luckily, Issei will have to take a very long time to recover, a very long time to heal, as he has been badly injured by Dream and Ink, who are both powerful enough to agonize him a lot. Of course, Ink is not alone. In fact, one of his Sekirei is with him. And it was none other than the most blindingly loyal of all of his Sekirei, who he cares about more deeply than the other Sekirei present.

 And it was none other than the most blindingly loyal of all of his Sekirei, who he cares about more deeply than the other Sekirei present

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Akitsu began to walk with Ink, as the both of them are beginning to have a good time being with each other. She never stops following with her master, Ink, as she like to be in his presence. After all, Ink was the one she reacted to, and the one that she believes to be her master, and the only master that she will ever have. To her, no one can response Ink, as Ink is irreplaceable in her mind. Ink will never be replaced as Akitsu's Master.

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