1. A Familiar Face

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February 2022

"Sienna, I don't know what you expect me to do.  You know I'm in Barcelona testing.   No, look....I'll call as soon as I get back to the hotel tonight.  Give her a big hug from me.  Oh for fuck's sake Sienna, you're being unreasonable.  You know I care.  Calm down, listen..."

Seb cursed.  Sienna had hung up on him. She was being childish.  Of course he cared that Rebekah was sick, but he was in Barcelona!   He was working.  Sienna hadn't worked a day since having the kids.  She lived a life of luxury, thanks to him.   What was he supposed to do? Abandon testing to fly home because Rebekah had a bug that would probably be out of her system by the time he got home anyway?

His ex wife was hard work!   He felt guilty for his negative feelings towards Sienna but it was about time she grew up and faced her responsibilities,  instead of expecting him to deal with everything. 

He slumped down onto the stainless steel chair outside Aston Martin hospitality.  He tapped out a quick text to Sienna. 

Seb: Sienna, I'm sorry I snapped but you have to understand.  My job is important.  I'm sure Bekah will be just fine.  If you're really concerned maybe call the doctor.   Tell her Daddy loves her very much and I'll be home on Monday.   Give Naomi a big hug and kiss too.

He sighed, shoving his phone back into his trouser pocket. 

"Sienna being extra again?" asked his trainer, Antti Kontsas, dropping onto the chair opposite him. 

"When isn't she?" Seb replied, obviously agitated.  

"Don't let her get to you Sebastian.  I know it's easy for me to say,  but you don't want it to affect your concentration."

"I know, I just wish she'd stop being so needy.   I do everything I can for those kids. I worship them.  She just tries to make me feel bad that I'm away so much."

Seb immediately felt bad for saying such things.  "Don't get me wrong Antti.  She is a great mother, the kids couldn't ask for a better one, but she needs to start standing on her own two feet a bit more.  It's been nearly four years since we divorced.  I can't keep doing this."

Antti shook his head.  He'd never been a fan of Sienna's.  He didn't dislike her as such, but she got on his nerves and he didn't like the way she treated Seb.

"Seriously Antti, she hasn't always been like this.  She's been through a lot."

Antti knew exactly what Seb was talking about. It wasn't common knowledge but he and Seb's press officer, Britta Roeske, were trusted friends and part of Team Vettel, and they knew everything.

How Seb and Sienna had met and fallen in love when they were just sixteen years old. How Sienna had been physically abused by her mother's boyfriend. How she'd called her father and arranged the escape of her younger brother and sister. How she'd waited and waited for them to get in touch with her after reaching adulthood but they never had.

Sebastian had loved Sienna. He would have given her anything her heart desired but in the end it was the one thing he couldn't give her that had ended up ruling her life.

Even their own little family that they'd created together hadn't filled the hole inside her heart. She'd never been able to recover from losing her father and siblings.

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