2. Face to Face

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"What do you mean you don't know where she is?  You have to know where she is.  She's your sister!" Seb said incredulously, shocked at what Joel had just told him. 

"She's Sienna's sister too but at least I was there for eleven of the last sixteen years!"

"Sienna would have been if she'd have known where to find you."  Seb was beginning to raise his voice.  He'd seen first hand how much Sienna had wanted to find her dad and her siblings.  Now he faced telling her that her dad was dead, her sister missing and her brother believed that Sienna didn't give a shit about them. 

"Save the bullshit Seb.  When Dad died Grandad got in touch with Sienna and she told him where to go.  I dare say once you hit the big time and became rich and famous the pair of you didn't want the embarrassment of a poor family."

Seb grabbed Joel by the shirt, his anger getting the better of him. 

"That's bullshit.  It's an insult Joel.  I'm not like that. Sienna's not like that.  There's nothing more
important than family.  Now I don't know what your Grandad told you, but I can assure he never got in touch with Sienna.  Losing you and Alyssa broke her.    She really thought that when Aly turned 18 you'd both be back in touch.   You know, once Monica had no legal right."

Joel shoved Seb backwards.  "It's not important anymore.  I'm here to do a job, not to have a family reunion."

"Please Joel.  Just see her. I'm sure you can get to the bottom of it all.  Is your Grandad still alive?  Christ, that sounds an awful thing to ask.  I'm sorry."

"He's still alive yes."

"Ask him."

"Ask him what exactly? He already told us, Sienna didn't want to know."

"Joel, please just talk to her. Listen to what she has to say. At least give her a chance to defend herself before you condemn her."

Joel sat down and put his head in his hands. He felt torn. He wanted nothing more than to see Sienna. And Alyssa. He missed his little sister more than anything. She'd been his best friend and his confidante. But as much as he wanted to see Sienna, he was still deeply hurt by her.

His head felt messed up. He didn't know what was true anymore. Bob Harper, his grandfather, had told them that Sienna didn't want anything to do with them, but had that been the truth? He was beginning to doubt everything.

"Joel, please." He looked up at Seb. He seemed genuine. He believed that Seb believed in Sienna.

"Ok," he conceded. He'd lost both of his sisters. Maybe, just maybe, he could get one of them back.


The rest of the test soon went by. Joel and Seb were not alone again. They spoke for work reasons but that was it. On the Sunday evening after Seb had finished his stint in the car he'd approached Joel and pulled him to one side.

"Are you free Tuesday?"

"Yeah should be."

"Can you come over to mine? Sienna's bringing the girls over. It might be a good time to talk. I haven't told her I met you yet."

Joel felt overwhelmed. It was all happening so fast. Still, he supposed the sooner he got it over with the better.

"Ok," he agreed, albeit reluctantly. He took his phone out of his trouser pocket. He unlocked it and handed it to Seb. "Put your number in. I'll text you Tuesday morning and let you know what time. Whereabouts are you? All I know is you moved to the UK last Autumn."

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