16. Leap of Faith

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Seb jumped up and ran to the front door. He pulled it open and ran along the balcony. He dashed down the stairs and out into the car park. He looked left, he looked right but he couldn't see her anywhere. He took his phone out and tried to call her. It went straight to voicemail.

"Alyssa. This isn't funny. You can't just walk off alone with him about. I'm worried sick. Please ring me when you get this." He went back up the stairs and back to the flat. He found Cherry sat in the lounge.

"How could she do this Cherry? He could take her, he could hurt her. Why would she put herself in danger like this?"

"Sebastian. Sit down. You are overreacting. She will
be fine. Now I've thought about it she's probably safer out there than she is in here. Out there he doesn't know where she is. Here he could find her all too easily."

"I'm not overreacting. She shouldn't be out there alone, not after what he did. She should be calling the police."

"Agreed, but it's up to her. We cannot make her do anything she doesn't want to. If we did than we are no better than him."

"We're not hurting her!"

"No but she has to choose her own path in life and not be controlled and told what to do. We can advise her but at the end of the day you cannot make her go with you."

"I just can't leave her here."

"Seb, you don't have a choice."

Deep down he knew Cherry was right. He couldn't force her. He just felt so helpless. He wanted to make her life easier, and better.

He admitted that selfishly he wanted her to go with him so he could see more of her.

"She'll be back. She just need time to think."

Suddenly Seb jumped up. "I know where she's going! She told me that day I spent with her, she goes to that beach to think. I bet she's there."

"I know the beach you mean. You're probably right. There's a bus that goes there. It would have left about the time we noticed she was gone."

He grabbed his car keys off of the table.

"Sebastian, please be careful. She's very fragile. Please don't try and bully her into anything."

"I won't. I just need to talk to her."

He ran back out again and soon was in his car heading towards the beach where they'd been. He parked up and headed to the seafront.

Sure enough he spotted her 30 metres or so away. She was sat on the sand, her knees up to her chin, staring out to sea. He approached her. He announced his presence as he got nearer. He didn't want to scare her.

"I thought I might find you here."

She looked at him, then looked back at the water.

"Mind if I join you?" She shrugged and he took that as permission. He sunk to the sand next to her. He reached out and took her hand, his thumb tracing patterns on her palm.

"I'm sorry Alyssa. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I was being overbearing. I just want to help you. I'm so scared he's going to hurt you. I just want to keep you safe."

"I just don't want to be reliant on anyone again. I depended on him for everything and finally I'm my own person. I don't want to lose my independence."

"You don't have to. I'm not him. You'll still have your own life. I just want to be able to know you're safe. If you don't want to live with me then maybe with Sienna and the girls? I get you may not want to live with a man."

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