Chapter 51 - "Proof of love..."

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Soha remains quiet, so, I repeat,

"Does she love him?"

This time some movements are visible in her body. She meets my enquiring eyes and replies in an obstinate tone,

"Yes, she does. She cares for him and considers him her true friend and confidant."

Our eyes remain locked for some moments as both are trying to figure out the meaning of her words.

"Friendship is not love, Ms Khurana. I know Aryamaan is a very good human being. He may have a painful past too and Nandini also considers him as her true and reliable friend but that is not all. Love should be two ways. One-sided love never reaches its destination."

I sound grounded. I just want to know if she is only being possessive for her brother and assuming all this. Soha hisses out,

"And what do you call your love or maybe mere attraction towards her? Isn't it one-sided too? Because as far I know, Nandini doesn't hold any kind of feeling for you. She is just concerned about you because you saved her life."

I frown and look at her blazing eyes. Doesn't she know anything or can't guess anything? Can't she see her feeling for me or she is just living in denial?

"Look, Mr Malhotra. You are rich, successful, handsome. You have every quality that a girl can fall for and you can get any girl too. But...but my brother doesn't have anyone but Nandini. She can again bring happiness back into his life. So, please. I beg of you. Please don't come between them."

She again sounds weak. I rub the swollenness of my hand where the drip has been attached and composedly reply,

"I won't if I get proof that it is a one-sided love. I promise the day I come to know that Nandini doesn't feel the same for me, I will step back and go back to my country. But if not, then no one can stop me to get her. By the way, do you know she has a past life like your brother? She also loved someone."

Soha gets up from the stool and replies,

"Yes, I know. And I also know that she has forgotten that painful past because we can't live in our past, Mr Manik. Especially, if that only gives us pain. Life is all about the present and a bright future. Nandini has a stable present and can have a beautiful future with my brother. I hope God will choose the best for her this time because she deserves it. Bye...hope you will get your proof very soon."

She turns on her heels and exits. I mumble,

"Even I am waiting for that moment when she will win the battle between her heart and mind."

My phone rings. I glance at the number. It's Navya. I pick the call,



When I came out of the cabin, I saw a fit of very subtle jealousy in Soha's eyes. Is that for me? I am sure she saw Manik and me in that close position. I also know that she may guess something about us. Though she hasn't asked me anything about Manik yet I am sure my nervousness and awkwardness have pushed her to think otherwise. Soha knows everything about my past life except Maan's father's name. I hope she hasn't calculated two plus two is equal to four. Then why was that envy in her eyes? For what and for whom? Has she started liking Manik? The thought gives a jostle to my mind.

"Impossible...she can't like him?"

I unmindfully murmur while stepping down the staircase.

"Why impossible? She doesn't know about your relationship with him and Manik has everything that a single girl searches in her partner."

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