Chapter 15 ( Hospital )

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Chapter 15: continuation



Liam's POV

"I love you, okay?" I assured her. "I love you, hold on. Hmm?" I repeat with a low tone. Taming her while planting small kisses in her forehead while caressing her back slowly.

How did that happen?

I felt his hug tightening around me. She is still crying. What should I do just to make her calm? I think there's no way. I just stroked her back again and made her sit up and lean her head on my shoulder afterwards.

I love her, I really love her that I don't like to lose her. She's now my Gem, I don't care if she has nothing to worry about. I'm always on her side.

I'm her boyfriend after all.

"Don't cry now, huh? Everything will be fine! Your Mommy will get better soon." I promised.

" Thank you Boss, t-wait where is Z-Zyra?" he wondered when he noticed his friend was not here.

I can't say that Zyra doesn't exist either, it's just that she's gone. I didn't notice him either.

"Maybe he's just outside, just getting some air, okay? Hold on, don't cry, look at how ugly he is." I said, so I wiped his tears.

Even though she's crying she's still beautiful hehe.

"Thank you because you're here for me, even if you're busy sir." She told me. I patted her hair and touched her cheek

What really should I do to make her calm down? I saw how she closed her eyes. She also laid down her head on my shoulder, right she needs rest.

She needs to rest first.

But how about her mom? Maybe I'll just take care of it? Then after i saw her, she stood up and left. Where is my girlfriend going?

So i just followed her. And when i saw her mom, i also followed it. Turns out it has a room, I didn't even notice! I will do it next time. I have rights and I am her son's boyfriend.

"Sir, it's okay, my mother, you can leave. Thank you for staying and for earlier."

"Why it seems like, you want me to go now? Are you pushing me away?!" I was annoyed because of what I thought.

Is this because I kissed her? Right!

I saw him bowing down, he was shy. Maybe it was about the kiss. I laughed secretly, maybe he would slap me haha!

"Sir?" Grace said so I returned to my trance haha.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving." I said, so I left. When I arrived at the parking lot, I suddenly smiled.

Hell! She didn't scream when I kissed her haha. It's just like, we kissed in a first time. My smile is really wide. I touched my lips, until now I remember that. Looks like I'll have a good day tomorrow especially because she's the reason for it hehehe.

" That's our first kissed hehehe! " I don't know how I feel. I feel like there are many fireflies in my eyes haha.

I'm still holding my lips, i can still feel her soft kisses. Her soft lips! I will never get tired of him haha. After that I drove home, but right after I came home I saw Sofia. She's in a sofa and wearing sexy lingerie.

Damn! Fuck! What is she doing here?!

"Hi love, I missed you! Where did you go, how long did you take?" he said sullenly. He kissed me and pressed himself.

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