Chapter 34 ( World war 3 )

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Chapter 34 ( World war 3 )


Grace's POV

I was in the office and I was fixing my stuff and after that I started working. I haven't been stressed lately, especially when I go to work! if I am thinking about one thing, I don't immediately think of him. I always want to stay healthy my Baby. I'm still tired, but I can do it! but the thing is that Zyra always scolds me.

This time I was alone and sitting quietly. I leaned back and closed my eyes, feeling the stress again. Oh, I haven't told you yet? my stomach is already bulging! that's why I persevered in working.

I was just startled when someone slapped me. What the heck!

I looked at that person so I got even more annoyed. " Where is my husband?! take my husband out?! " angry yarn? why not look for it inside the office?!

He really stayed with me, huh?!

" Huh? Isn't your husband at your house? And you really rushed to me to ask?! " I said annoyed. He's crazy! If I keep quiet he will hit me!!

"He's not in our house, right?! Maybe you're hiding it? Don't leave my wife alone! Take him out?! " It looks like he's looking for a fight, huh? I just look away and sigh. He's teasing me!!

"What the?! Is a missing person looking for me?! If your buti is shooting, it's your husband, look for him alone?! " I don't care about his wife! I only give it to him if he wants it?!

because that's when I remember what happened last night. Crazy?!

"And you really plan to answer?!" he slapped me. This time I stood up and faced it.

"You don't have a husband! I'm not hiding him anymore?! I don't know where your husband is so stop me!! " I yelled at his face. Even though it was close to me, I yelled at him.

I will let him be deaf!

" Huh?! Really? You're the only one here?! " Do you need to pretend? I already know that!

but who will admit the real match?! tss?

"Don't tell me that?! I know where I'm going! So if you're just here to fight, I don't have time for you!" I shouted again.

agreed and I received another slap, take note one after another! yes, he is my wife, he has the right to hurt me. But the slap after another? that's not okay!

" Can you?! Stop me, you won't get anything from me! " I just stopped crying! because it's the mother's?!

" You're hooked! You're hooked?! And you'll never change that you're hooked?! " immature. That's the brain he has! I want to say but I don't want to!

maybe he will sympathize with my son! it's hard

"Is it really just me? Isn't your husband a lot of women?! Why don't you go and find him at a bar?! You might be surprised that he has an affair! " because of what I said, he kept quiet! I can see the anger in the eyes and want to attack me.

But right when she saw my tummy she said something!

" What's that? a fake foam?! What's it for? My husband approached you?! You're really flirtatious!"

"I'm not flirty?! and I've never been flirty! Come on, think about it, have you ever flirted? Did you fuck boys?! " Can he knock her down?

He was stunned by what he heard but I said something so he couldn't move again. "I was raped okay?! so you don't know anything to call me flirty!" and I spit on him.

but he pushed me hard. Tangina! I'm not balanced and that's bad. I flirted badly!

my baby!!

Before everyone was caught someone came and saw me. All I know is that he ran to me and supported me.

"Sweetheart!! You fucking man, don't touch her?! " but when Liam came, he grabbed me and took me.

He suspects my whole body.

He looked angrily at Sofia and spoke. I can see the shock on his face!

"If something happens to my mother, get ready for me!" he said before we left. He drove the car so we could get to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, he quickly took me to the emergency room. I'm starting to squirm, I don't know! I feel something else. I wanted to kill myself but I was being taken care of.

My last worry was that Liam was missing. While I was being taken care of, I just lost consciousness while being taken care of!


Liam's POV

I heard everything, yeah, I heard every conversation they had. I only took action when a man approached Grace. Fortunately, I quickly took it to the hospital! and by that time, I'm starting to be scared. I don't want to lose my child! I don't want to lose them. They're my strength!

Once I saw Grace she fainted. Fuck! I was even more confused by what I saw. No! No! I don't want to lose them together?! I lost it even more because of what I discovered! they will tell me to calm down. Do they think what I saw will calm me down?!

"Sir your wife and child are now safe. It's a good thing you brought them early, otherwise the baby would be gone." when Doc explained to me. Thank God!

thank you! and you didn't let my mother and daughter!

"Thank you, doc!" I thanked.

"That's nothing, I'm just doing my duty!" he said before disappearing from my sight. I also breathed a sigh of relief because of what I heard.

They are now safe! later on he has a hospital bedroom and is resting! I took his hand and placed it on his cheek. Then I cried, I cried allot! I don't know what I'll do when he's gone.

I was in that situation when someone came in. I look at that person, and that's Zyra with Uriel, Grace's mother is also with them. When she saw Grace, she hurriedly ran. Even if he is asleep, he will still worry.

"Is Grace, okay? Is my grandson okay too?" she told me. I just hid because my tongue was receding!

"O-opo!" I stammered.

" Do you know that I want to tell you, to stay away from my son?! Look what's happening to my son Liam. " I just went to what I heard!

I already know this! they will throw me away and that way I won't be able to see my mother and daughter!

can i still be there? This is his mother. He just held Grace's hand secretly.

"I understand you!" I spoke. Then I just looked at Grace.

"But when I think about my grandson, I can't be angry with you. Why? Because he needs a father!" and I understood more and more what his Mother was saying.

I noticed that the two were already sitting on the mini sofa.

"Alright, take a rest, I'll take care of it!" he said. Then he fixed Grace's blanket.

That Sofia is amazing!

"Alright! I'll just visit my mother again tomorrow," I promised.

It just nodded so I stood up and left. Zyra and Uriel were left there to keep an eye on them, and also so I could have information about what was happening.

When I got home, I saw Sofia crying in the living room, tss! what for? That's the reason why I almost lost my mother! He is also the reason why Grace is in the hospital. She can't replace Grace in my heart!!

"Are you here to hurt me?!" What? I haven't done that yet? the power of the ball!

Yes! I intend to hurt him. Because those are not enough of what he did earlier!

"I'm here to rest, not to be attacked by you?!" He said annoyed. I'm starting to get annoyed because of him.

He left her there and got up, I know she will cry. What is he crying for? she's wasting her time just to cry.

That's just pity!

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