Chapter Thirteen

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The doctor has finished speaking with Avery, T.K., Owen. They have started her on a new regime of medication and Avery is sat in her hospital room when a nurse walks in with Jason.

'Hey.' Avery smiles slightly.

'Hey.' Jason smiles back. 'Where are your dad and brother?' He sits on the edge of the bed.

'I convinced them to go down to the cafeteria.' Avery tells him. 'I told them there's no way I'm sneaking out of here. Not with all the security.'

'Did you tell him about the last time you were here?' Jason asks, laughing.

'What? When I starting jumping over the nurses station, leap-frogging the security guards?' Avery laughs. 'Yep.' Their laughter dies down. 'T.K. told me what happened.' Avery tells him. 'At the Quarry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you through that.'

'You don't need to apologise.' Jason shakes his head. 'I've told you before, you never need to apologise to me. Not when you're feeling like this.' Avery smiles a little. 'I know what I was getting myself into when you were first diagnosed with the psychosis. I could have easily walked away.' He continues. 'I'm not going to walk away now. You're my best friend, Ave. You will always be my best friend.'


A week has past. Avery is being discharged from the psychiatric unit in L.A.. T.K. and Owen are talking with the doctor by the nurse's station about Avery's discharge. Avery is in her room sat on the bed with Jason.

'So, what's the verdict?' Jason asks. 'What's going on when you get home?'

'House arrest.' Avery sighs. 'Carlos, T.K.'s boyfriend has apparently agreed to watch over me when they're at work.'

'That's good.' Jason nods. Avery glares at him. 'What? You need someone to keep an eye on you for a while. You know that.'

'I know but I don't think feeling like I'm being smothered is going to help.' Avery tells him. 'You know me, I need my freedom.'

'I think they're just worried.' Jason states. 'They've never seen you like this. They don't know how to act. They just want to keep you safe. If they think keeping you under lockdown will help with that, then that's what they'll do.' He adds. 'I'll call you everyday, like usual and you'll be seeing Megan, is it, I assume?'

'Probably.' Avery nods.

'So you won't ever be alone.' Jason reassures her. 'And remember,' he adds taking her hand, 'day or night.' He squeezes her hand.

'Day or night.' She smiles. T.K. and Owen then walk back into the room. The two teens look at them.

'They've referred you to a psychiatrist back home and started you on some new meds. It's really important you start taking them, especially your anti-epileptics.' Owen tells her.

'Yeah.' Avery agrees.

'And you tells us if they're making you feel terrible or you feel like they're not working.' T.K. adds.

'Okay.' Avery nods.

'The doctor has said we can leave whenever we're ready.' Owen says.

'Then let's get out of here.' Avery says quickly, pushing past her brother and dad.

'She hates hospitals.' Jason laughs slightly, standing up.

'You coming?' They hear. They turn and look at Avery who is stood in the middle of the corridor.

'Erm.. Ave..' Jason says, pointing down to his feet. Avery looks down at her feet and sees that she's forgotten to put her shoes on and still in the neon yellow hospital socks.

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