The Reaper's Visit

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Today is a new day like any other day.

But today was way way different than you could think.

Because today, Y/n was going to face a hard obstacle that he knew he must overcome if he ever want to have Gamo-chan as his'.

"...Shit..." he mutters to himself as he was in front of a familiar home that rested a family of five.

It has been a few days after Y/n's homecoming game. And right now, he wasn't really confident at his choice on coming to Gamo's home. He didn't look prepared as he wore a black hoodie and some c/c jeans, definitely the appearance he should use when meeting your crush's slash girlfriend's family.

He wasn't really sure on what the ideal first impression was and these were the only garments he could think that looked decent.

However, he lets out a sigh and was somewhat ready for what was coming in front of him, approaching the door of Gamo's home and rung the doorbell.

"That must be him!" He instantly heard Gamo's muffled voice from inside, a quick patter of her feet gets louder from every step until the door flies open to reveal...


Gamo was definitely the one to answer the door but he was thrown off his feet when he saw her slender yet busty body in some clothes that he thought was really... revealing.

She had on a white tank top with a pair of black short gym shorts. Her hair also fell down her shoulders, she was just... perfect.

"Hi, Y/n!~"

"H-Hey, Gamo..." he chuckles lightly with a small smile on his face. She leads him inside her home and through a small hallway while the two talked a bit. Not before Y/n catches something shiny around her neck.

His eyes stares at it for a second but Gamo quickly noticed his gaze and smiled. "Yeah, I love the necklace you gave me from Christmas~... It's really beautiful~..."She smiles widely.

"I'm glad you feel that way..." Y/n said as Gamo soon brought him through an open doorframe and into the living room of her home.

There, Y/n finds her family. Gamo's mom, father, and a pair of twin boys sitting in the living room. Her parents awaited for the two's appearance patiently while Gamo's brothers were playing on the Swap they shared. "He's here, mom..."

Gamo proudly presented her best friend to the family, Y/n's e/c eyes landed on the feminine parent on the couch. Her reaction was something else.

"M-My!~ He's pretty..." she was stuttering. When their gaze met each other, she could see the "murderous" vibe that gave off from him. She tried her best to stay calm while her husband simply stared at the boy with a stern face. "So you're Y/n..."

The h/c nods softly and turned his attention to Gamo's little brothers. They were pretty... straightforward.

"He's really scary!"

"Y-Yeah!" The two hugged each other with great fear in their souls.

Even if Y/n was trying to make a first impression and tried to look and act nice, in the end it was the same as the family all stared at him with judging faces.

This is gonna go great...

Obviously that was a sarcastic statement. Not that he had a problem with the family but wished that they could finally figure out that he was just trying to get to know everyone in the house.


The silence and the atmosphere was overwhelming everyone in the room. Most were pretty tense at the meeting as the the family and Y/n were just staring at each other with different moods. That is until Gamo's mom tried to get out of this situation quickly.

Gamo-chan x Silent/Cold Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now