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Mias POV:
Rafe ran towards me, propping me up and helping me back into the car.
'Okay, breathe baby it's okay the hospital is just down the road.' He panicked, starting the car and speeding off without even putting his belt on. I grabbed his arm, trying to stop the pain, and I could see it was hurting him but he didn't want to say. I was trying my hardest to control my breathing but I'd not learned, I wasn't due for another week and a half.
'Okay we're here.' He said, stopping the car in the middle of the road, causing a land rover to beep at him.
'Fuck off.' He shouted, running around to me and helping me from the ambulance. I was greeted with a bed, and they took it from there, taking me to the maternity ward. Rafe didn't let go of my hand, I looked into his eyes, he was terrified. He didn't want a baby now he wanted one in two weeks, once we were ready. As planned.
'Mia you're so nearly dilated so in a few minutes I'll need you to push for me okay?' One of the nurses asked calmly. I looked to Rafe and grabbed his hand.
'It's okay baby you can do it.' He whispered, putting his other hand behind my head. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down as best as possible, but it wasn't working. Tonight I was going to be going home with a baby, I didn't even know if me and Rafe were okay.
'Baby there's gas and air if you want it.' Rafe said at once, going to hand me a mask. I shook my head, pushing it away and deciding to just grit my teeth.
'We're ready for you.' My nurse said, lifting my knees up. I looked to Rafe and he nodded, squeezing my hand. I pushed once and I felt like I was in agony I stopped instantly, trying to catch my breath.

'Breath out as you push it'll make it so much easier.' Another nurse said from the corner of the room, sorting something out on the table in the room. I nodded, taking a deep breath in and a long one out, pushing as I did so.
'Brilliant, you've done the hard part. Just a couple more times.' She smiled, holding the head of our baby girl. Rafe was sat besides me now, one hand just above my bump, on my stomach, and the other in my hand. It was going purple and white from how tight id squeezed him but he didn't mind.
I did it a few more times, taking about 10 minutes, I was nodding in and out of consciousness, the pain becoming unbearable.
'Come on princess.' Rafe said, looking into my eyes deeply begging for me to keep going. I bc pushed once more, and the nurse told me to rest, as she then allowed me to easily give birth to the placenta, and passed a pair of scissors to Rafe.
'You want me to do this?' He asked nervously, looking down at our babies umbilical chord.
'Yes.' I whispered, out of breath. He cut it carefully and watched as it was tied, she was then wrapped into a towel and passed over to Rafe, I was too weak to hold her. He looked terrified, he had never held a baby before let alone did he care to, but he cared for ours more than anything in the world. He smiled down at her, making sure to hold her carefully. He didn't move a muscle, scared of dropping her.
'Hey little Mila.' He whispered softly. I clutched his hand softly and he turned his attention to me, looking down calmly, his arms glistening.
'You did it' he smiled. I let out a sigh of exhaustion and rubbed my thumb over our babies head, closing my eyes. He placed her in my arms and stepped back, looking at us both laying together.
'I could get used to this.' I chuckled.
'I'm so proud of you.' He said, kissing my head multiple times.
I fell straight back under, and i felt a nurse take her from my arms and wrap her up. I was asleep for a couple of hours, and thankful that I was able to get some rest, I was in so much pain that sleeping for a while helped massively when I woke up. Rafe was sat sleeping too, his hand entangled with mine. I smiled, looking down at him, and he woke up, yawning wide.

'You're awake.' He smiled, leaning over and kissing my head.
'So are you.' I laughed. He watched carefully as a doctor came into check on Mila and Rafe's head snapped in his direction.
'She's okay he knows what he's doing.' I whispered.
'I don't want anyone to ever hurt her. I'm going to protect her, I'm going to protect you with my life.' He said possessively.
His phone started to ring and he looked down at it, ending it instantly.
'Who was it?'  I asked.
'My dad.' He said, bouncing his knee up and down quickly.
'Well what if it's important?' I questioned.
'Nothing is more important than this, besides, if he wants to meet Mila then I'm glad I ended the call.' He said, looking over at our baby again and squeezing my hand.
'Rafe.' I sighed.
'I don't want him to see her yet, I don't want him to ruin her life how he did mine.' He said, a hint of anger in his tone of voice. His phone started to ring again and I urged him to answer it. He did, standing up and pacing the room as he always did.
'No I'm busy right now.' He said sternly.
'What's so busy? Mias gone into Labour.' He replied, waiting for an answer.
'Yes, okay bye.' Rafe said finally, ending the phone.
'And?' I questioned.
'He wanted me to go and do some work, but he said to not worry about it now and he's excited for us.' Rafe said sarcastically.
'At the end of the day he's still your dad.' I said softly.
'Blood doesn't mean anything to that man, and that's why I'm gonna make sure it means everything to me.' He whispered huskily, kissing my lips.

Like a tsunami // Rafe Cameron(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now