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The shadow she saw on the corner of her eye began expanding. It kept getting bigger and bigger until she can see it wholely.

A petite, tan-skinned guy stood in front of them. His big eyes appear to burn the three just from looking at them, which made them eventually stop.

"Why the fuck are you kneeling?" he asked with full authority.

The shortest guy among the three glared at him. He seem to not mind it as he glared back before kicking him in the face.

Y/N saw him flying in the air. His silver blond locks were blown by the wind which caused it to lay over his face, but beautifully.

He landed on his feet and held the guy behind her by the collar before punching him ruthlessly. He didn't stop until there was blood coming from the other's broken nose and teeth scattered on the pavements.

Before she can process everything, it all happened in under five minutes, which explains the passed out and bloody bodies on the ground.

She immediately covered her body with her torn jacket. Her top's stained with blood and dirt, and it's ripped apart, exposing her belly button.

"E-Excuse me. Uhm....thank you for helping me..." she said, trembling in shock and terror.

"Oh, yeah. No need to, it's not free anyway."

Her daydreaming was ruined when a tall and big guy tapped her shoulder. His annoying face occupied her vision. It's Mochi. He grinned before turning her ear until they started hurting and reddening.

"Stop it, you asshole!"

"No, you stop it. Ran has been calling your name for the past five minutes and you're yet to face him. He's getting angry, look," he pointed to the guy with bleached and braided hair.

Haitani Ran, one of Tenjiku's Heavenly Kings, was glancing at her intently with his eyebrows raised. He looks impatient and is ready to slam her face with his baton.

"You don't want his 'magic wand' kissing your face, am I right?" Mochi whispered. She pushed him away and snickered before going to where Ran is.

He's sitting on a chair in the corner of the room.

Almost a year ago, Y/N was crying for help at someplace in the neighborhood. A silver blond decided to help her from getting assaulted so he can blackmail her later then, and now she have to deal with another gang of stupid asses.

They somehow 'comforted' her in ways she never expected a gang to treat her, and that made her change herself far from how she was before.

"Oh uh, hey Ran. You look handsome today," she chuckled nervously.

"What do you mean, 'today'? I look like this every single day, Y/N."

He raised his fist and pretended to punch her. She crossed her arms to cover her face even though she knew he won't do it, before she used her two palms to block and calm him down.

"Stop daydreaming. You know that Izana's blood boils specifically for you. His birthday's coming so try to tone it down." A guy with bleached hair and blue strands talked behind her.

"I'm so sorry, chicken head."

August twenty-eight of two thousand and five, they all sat near Ran to discuss, apparently, Izana's "birthday party". There really aren't gonna be a party though.

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