twenty (second half)

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A/N: Hello. I wrote this chapter before Rindou’s official birthdate was released. I have no idea what Rindou's birthdate could be so I just made up a date.

Scorching Love

"Miss Earth to the Y/N... Hello? Earth to Miss Y/N?"

Hot. Flaming. Parching heat. That's how the heat that Y/N feels can be dissipated.

The November Sun is unusually scorching, contradicting the supposedly cooling season of Autumn. The heat of summer has eased, and that should've made her napping by the sea less uncomfortable, but it did not.

It felt like she was being grilled on a fresh-outta-stove sizzling plate. She gave the wristwatch on her left arm a glance. 11 am. She slept for almost six hours, a reason for the others to be worried as the beach umbrella was blown by the strong breath of the sea-and they only noticed it was gone after she spent half an hour of her unconsciousness bathing under the rays of the big ball of fire.

"Her face is burning so much. Didn't anyone really see the umbrella fly?"

"I didn't."

"Not me."

It burns. That thought floats in her brain as her left forearm touches her tomato-red face when she brings it up to the level of her face to cover her eyes-which is all warm too. The watch glass was warm, in addition, and worsened the boiling feeling she has. It fucking burns!

Y/N's eyes were brimming with tears threatening to fall. She prevents it with absolute concentration as it would hurt more to have warm things in her face.

"Fuck..." she moaned, standing up with wiggly legs as if the sunburn is sucking her energy up. "W-water... I need very cold water, please..."

Kakucho panicked as he hurried to the cooler a few steps away from the rest of them. The Haitani brothers, on the other hand, stood beside the h/c-haired to calm her down. Ran grips a newly purchased umbrella around his fingers and Rindou swings a fan up and down to summon air in an alarming way.

"Here," Kakucho throws the water bottle towards Ran for him to open it since Y/N can't do it. She can barely open her eyes without it stinging. As soon as Ran had it opened, he gave it to her and she emptied the bottle in a matter of seconds.

Y/N jumps on the sand as she bathes her face in cold water. Since it was almost frozen, it released the tension from her face and relieved the inflammation caused by the sunburn in an instant. But the aftermath isn't that nice. Her clothes-the hoodie, jeans, and shoes were all wet. It's not that big of a deal since it is hot enough to dry them but still.

"God... Can anyone tell me who the fuck took the umbrella away while I was sleeping? Y'all are so polite."

"We did not take it, it was blown by the wind."

"We were building sandcastles and didn't notice that the umbrella was gone."


She sighed. What else can she do?

Y/N went back to lying down. This time, she's lying on her back. The Haitanis sat on either side of her, a ghost of worry sitting still on them.

"Happy birthday, Rin," she said, wrapping her arms around Rindou's waist. She took a small gap to put in between his back and her face to prevent them from touching.

"T-thank you..."

"Hey, you have to change or else you'd end up sick. Give me your wet clothes, I'll dry them." Kakucho's shadow towered and covered her vision. In his hand was a small bottle she thought was a sunblock. The scarred handed it to her and held out his hand for the clothes. "Put that on your face and your body as well."

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