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I Love You, You Love Me

"Izana missed. Guess it's her luck today."

Y/N awoke with sharp pain in her jaw area and neck. She gets up from lying in pain and it was only then when she noticed the men who had been looking at her for quite a while.

"Oh, she's awake."

"Are you okay?" asked Rindou.

Beside him is a long-haired man with his hair on the loose and some strands are hanging on the side of his face. It looks like he just took a bath and is in the process of drying his hair.

"Oh my gosh jeyzaz is that you?"

Her eyes widened and she rubbed them in shock. I can't be dead, just not yet!

"No, you're in hell right now. Repent and I promise you you will never see Izana again."


"Just kidding. Unfortunately, yes, you're still alive. And you're in our house."

"You passed out after receiving one punch from Izana. He's still fuming with anger, I think. And don't worry, you only slept for 30 minutes."

That was the last thing Ran said before he went to the door and closed it after he came out, leaving her and Rindou alone. Rindou assured her that Ran is not mad at her since he just walked out.

"Oh...I fucked up..."

She just slapped her forehead in her stupidity and embarrassment.

"You really are a fool," he snickered. "What did you do to make him punch you?"

Y/N sighed and held out her hands as a way to say, "I don't know!". She made a face Rindou couldn't understand.

"You don't know?"

"Yes, I don't know! I just felt the need to ask him for sparing."

"Why are you that dumb? We better get your head checked, you hit the floor."

Later then, Rindou also came down and left her to give her time to tidy up. She made the bed they laid her on and followed him.

She sat down at the table when she saw that there were plates on it. The two seemed to be serving her when she heard the rattlings in the kitchen.

They ate the food that Ran cooked. It was a bit salty but decent enough to be a food. Good thing she wasn't food poisoned.

At one in the afternoon, they left the house and headed to the headquarters. There, a sleeping Izana met them. Kakucho and Mochi were gone so he was all alone.

He sat asleep and he made his arms his pillows with his head placed firmly on them. Like an angel he sleeps.

Y/N pulled a chair quietly to sit next to Izana. She mimicked the way Izana is sleeping, only that she's admiring him.

His white eyelashes are long enough to look fake. If I plucked them out, would he scream? But anyhow, he looks at peace. He beautiful.

She smiled unknowingly. Her hand traveled on its own to his hair to tuck them behind his ear. She's so fascinated that the brothers behind her left without her knowledge.

"What are you doing? And why are you...smiling?"

Izana's wide, purple eyes were now staring back at her. Her hand seemed to freeze in shock and was left holding on to the back of his ear.


"I am what?"

She got back to her senses. She jumped from sitting and stood up.

"Er—you—you look like Barney...!"

"No, it's you who resemble Barney. Look at that huge bruise on your face. Have you got it checked?"

He rubbed his eyes to see properly. He then ran his fingers through his hair to detangle them.

She averted her gaze as he waited for her answer.

"Concerned much?"

"No, not really. It just bothers me that there's a purple pony shit on your cheeks."

He put his hands in his pockets and made his way to the exit where he kicked the door open. Very arrogant indeed.

Y/N followed Izana outside. She spotted the siblings on one corner, but she just nodded at them.

Walking a few steps more, she spotted the same white hoodie Izana is wearing. She ran closer and walked alongside him.

"Why'd you follow me?"

"You have to compensate for this huge purple yam in my face. It's not going away for, I guess, one to two weeks. I doubt that you'll pay for my doctor anyway."

He didn't want to, as expected. But Y/N insists. But seems like Izana isn't the only one who got annoyed when they heard barks.

They stopped walking but didn't dare to look back.

"Is it a dog?"

"You think it's a bird?"

"Stop being sarcastic!"

"Y-yes, a very big dog..."

Izana grabbed her arm tightly and stared her hard in the eye. It was only then that she knew what was going to happen to her, and of course, she didn't want that.

"No, no. D-don't look at me like that!"

"Listen, I will call Ran since they're not that far from here. So you stay here and make the dog busy, okay?"

"Why do you have to be that nice only in this kind of situation?" she cried.



Before she knew it, her feet moved on their own. Izana's no longer in her sight and she's already running for her dear life with a dog twice as big as her head before her.

She took turns in several alleys before someone pulled her arm and put a hand on her mouth.

She heaved a sigh when she saw the familiar white hoodie but much to her distress, it was a blond with his hair length on his shoulder.

"You're so noisy."

She was stunned when he stared at her with her black blank eyes. Almost a year had passed, and nothing seemed to have changed in him. But it's also almost a year yet nothing changed on how he made her feel things—nervous but somewhat...happy.


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