Chapter 31

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Never Find You're Lovin'

Julian's POV..

The agonizing tears of discomfort and confusion fled down my pale cheek as the operator of the local hospital told me that Rodney wouldn't make it. My heart sank to the floor. I already lost Dee, killed Christopher mentally, but if I lose Rodney, I knew I would completely lose myself. He was the only person I have ever lived to love completely like that. But the description of his major crippled condition brought sorrow to my soul. "Ma'am, Im not sure if he'll be able to make it honestly." The operator went on. The tears were so warm in anger now knowing that he would probably die soon. This was frustrating, and consuming towards my heart and brain. "Ok.." I replied in a faint whisper. "Visits start tomorrow at 9:35.." She suggested, trying to comfort me in some way. "Ok." I breathed hard, trying my very best to calm down. "Thank you." I whispered "Please, have a nice d--." I hung up the phone. Don't even tell me to have a nice day, how am I supposed to? I felt so bad for him, and again bad for myself on what I would do without him. I crossed my arms softly, and sniffled. I turned to the living room, and laid down on my couch. I wanted my mom to be home right now to comfort me, and whisper in my ear that it would be alright but, she was at work. Rodney would usually be here in a time like this, but he wasn't. He was hurt, badly. And it killed me inside. I cried hard into the couch cushion, trying to let the wet tears wash away my pain, until I slowly drifted to sleep. It kind of helped.

Venus's POV...

I walked with a huge grin planted on my face as I walked the airport floors in my long light brown detective looking coat, and my Pj's. I was here to pick up my best friend. One I had called my brother for years. One I would kill to see again. Dee. He was finally home from Georgia and it just wasn't quite possible to hide my emotions at the time. My grin slowly faded away as I realized Dee no where to be sighted. I sagged my brows. Seriously? Negro you supposed to be at the damn airport when you say you's gonna' be at the airport! I crossed my arms, and tapped my foot repeatedly as I paused in the center of the airport. I looked around. It was all white, and so clean, and smelled like pencil. People of all colors, all religions were scattered around the port, finding their destinations. Recapturing the moment with their loved ones. I looked up from my trance of looking at the floor. I smiled even bigger than I did before. I saw Dee with his stuff on the floor, his arms open, and alone? Where's his mom? I ignored that, and ran fast across the airport towards Dee. The tears building up in my eyes skid my cheeks as I ran faster. I soon felt the thump of his big chest, and his hands and arms squeezed me tightly into a warm bear hug. I repeatedly kissed his left cheek like I was his mommy, though I was some inches shorter than him.

"Muah, Muah, Muah!" Kissed him on his cheek. He giggled and told me to stop as the tickle from it emerged. His face turned into a bright red.

"I missed you so much!" He hollered in joy as he picked me up, and spun me around into a 360. I laughed.

"Oh my goodness, what a load to catch up on, c'mon! We're eaten Dinner at my casa!" I yelled in excitement as I grabbed his arm violently and began running out of the airport.

"Hey, no running!" I heard a security guard yell out to us, but I didn't listen. I was actually being bad for once. "Your crazy.." He whispered a chuckle as we were almost headed to the exit.

"I know." I smirked. "And why you blushing!" I asked.

"Uhh, I don't know.. Like your a girl and you just kissed me on my cheek you a**!" He laughed, turning red again."What dude wouldn't though?"

"Shut up, Bish your sexy!" I yelled as we were now outside in the parking lot, calming our pace to walking. We were happy, and exited. This was how true BfF's rolled. I hopped in the drivers seat as he hopped in the passengers. We did our little handshake and I soon enough, pulled off. I missed Dee.

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