Chapter 37

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Never Find Your Lovin'

Venus. . . .

(Sunday) March 28

(10:36 AM)

I slept soundly on this fine Sunday morning, one of those days I had dreaded from birth, but this one, this one turned out to be just right. I squinted my eyes as I rose my head off of my pillow. The rays of the lemon yellow sun seeped through the little side crease on my red curtains. The light pinched my eyes. I groaned in annoyance, and violently closed them. My phone then began to rang as it laid there on top of my dresser.

"Be ready at my house by 11:00." Said a text I had just received from Christopher. Oh goodness, what the hell? It's too early for this stuff! And It's a Sunday! I pouted for a few seconds, but then gave in. It's cause I liked Chris that much. I hopped out of my bed, and was soon in the shower. I put on A hurricanes white tee, light grey aero sweats, and some lime green converse. I wore a grey north face also. One of my most sloppiest outfits, but who cares, it's not like we were really going somewhere extremely special you know? When I finally finished getting dressed, I went down the stairs and found that my parents had went out for church, and my sister was still asleep. I then just grabbed by dads car keys, and soon headed down a few blocks to Chris's house.


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I knocked on the door for the third time and was already annoyed. You tell me to come to your house and now you won't answer the damn door? Geez you must be on some serious crack.. Before I was going to knock the fourth time, he answered, a warm smile plastered about onto his face.

"Hey." He sighed, smiling, just watching me head to toe.

"Hey." I said quietly, not helping to blush right away. "So what exactly do you want from me?" I raised my brow at him.

"Well, I wanted too.. Ya know.. Take you out somewhere." He said with a babyish tone, as he placed his hands behind his back.

"Ok?" I said chuckling. "Where?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He blurted out in reply. I hate freaking surprises. He soon enough, shouted goodbye to whatever guardian he had in his house, and grabbed my hand. Just following along and with no hesitation, he took me to his beautiful car in the garage. It was red, and of completely lavish and shine. I liked his car very much. We hopped in, and began to drive away from his home.

It was a very long drive for some reason, one of the longest I have ever taken. I begged and pleaded to Chris the whole time of the drive to tell me where we were headed too but he just smiled at me, and continued to drive. It started to get annoying after a while, so I just drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, the sun was fully awake. It shined bright onto my face as I raised my head off of the handle of the sunroof car. We were no longer driving, and were actually parked in some type of lot. It looked actually like a very fancy five star restaurant. And the city that seemed to hover around us, brought twists and turns of excitement and pleasure to my stomach, and made me smile. It was too familiar.

"Hey, you awake?" Chris asked, shaking my shoulder gently.

"Yea." I replied smiling to the fact we were already here.

"Ok, come out." He smiled, pulling me out the car.

We entered the place, and the inside if it was just was marvelous. There were many round tables set in a beautiful marble floor with lavished white cloth. They had little lights held into a glass cup that looked like diamonds for decoration. The smell of the place was of lavender, and it was so beautiful, it brought me to tears. Many people were sitting in this five star restaurant, but we managed to get a spot towards the window, to watch the cars pass by. For the background music, they had a band playing a very nice classical music piece, with violins and stuff. We walked over to the table, and sat down. I placed my hand over my mouth slightly, just glaring at Chris in amazement.

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