Chapter 27

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Venus's POV....

I struggled to open the door with my spare key, due to my tiring day at work today. I meant he jobs ok I guess.. I got a job as soon as I came back to the US so I could support myself while mother was gone. I work as a part time assistant atthehosptital for most of the doctors. They call me when they need me, which is almost like all the time. Open the door to a loving doom of pure blackness. Kinda creepy.. I heard my sister call my name to mKe sure it was me from upstairs. "Yes I just got back!" I yelled from the kitchen She's got a reason to ask. Its like twelve o' clock midnight. I dropped my bags and my car keys ontop of the marble table. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the can of pineapples I didn't finish from yesterday. I sat at the kitchen table eating And tried calling Jasper for the second time since Id been at work. The third time I called, he picked up. "Hello?" he said whispering. "Um, why are you whispering?" I asked,looking a bit lost. "Shhh! You'll wake her up." He said whispering , and giggling at the fact that I didn't whisper along. "Who?" "My niece." He said giggling even harder. "Aww thats cute, ill leave you guys alone." I said smiling. "Thanks a lot, bye Vee." "Bye Jay." I whispered friendly.

Rodney's POV...

I ran out the front limping, but fast, I began to moan, for the pain in my leg was excruciating.As I ran across the front lawn, the blood seemed to seep through the cut in my pants, my leg grew weak. The limping too became painful. Almost near my car across the street, I kept thinking on how my dad went a little too farthis time. I mean hes stabbed me with forks, bit ears, punched me in the face and other stuff all these years of physical abuse, but he never has actually gotten so mad that he stabbed me with a pocket knife! I looked at my hand real quick that I held my wound with. The blood just seemed to outline the creases in my hands so much blood poured. I prayed that I would survive. I was almost about to put my foot onto the beginning of the street when I tripped over one of the garden rocks dad let down a few years ago. My body collapsed to the floor head first. I fell right on my wound too, which made me scream awfully loud. My head along with my face ached from hitting the ground so hard. I heard the front door slam shut. It was my father. He ran like a dog tracing meat when he saw me laying there on the grass. His face looking quite evil, and his body language fowl. I looked up to my dad in the eye with the last bit of strength I had left in my fatigued body. He held his fist out toward my face. " Oh your done now boy." He frowled. Right then and there, everything went black.

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