Chapter 9

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I felt someone tap me on my head repeatedly. I tryed to open my eyes a little, but everything i saw was just a big blur. I tried to feel around for anything i could get my hands on, but it wasnt as easy as it might sound.

Julian:"Deantre... Deantre... Deantre? DEANTRE!"

Deantre:"Huh?" I mumbled in curiosity and confusion.

I turned my head several more times, just so my eyes could get used to the air again.

Julian:"Hey." she smiled at me, her eyes very squinted in a friendly way.

My heart stopped. Oh shit. Julian! She was the one who tapped me! And the one who caused me to fall, hit my head, and get rug burn... But anyway, Deantre, shape up man!

Deantre:"Oh, hey." I smiled, and looked her up and down. "Woa, what happen? Like I felt me fall off of the tredmile and get a rugburn, but I passed out and opened my eyes to your pretty face." I winked at her.

She blushed, and looked away. Just smiling uncontrolably. Damn, didnt know i was turning out ot be so smooth...

Julian:"Oh stop. You so stupid." She smiled at me. "So you tight with Chris?" she looked up at me, though she was several inches shorter than me. Cute.

Deantre:"Yea. Bro's since we were 12." I started stretching out my abs, along with my shoulders. Being a Billy Badass...

Julian:"Heheh, thats cool." she giggled.

Deantre:"Why do you ask?" I asked her, leaning on the tredmile

Julian:"I just saw you in the car, so i was wondering if you guys knew eachother." Hey, you seem like a really nice friend, you wanna' chill sometime? I mean, Chris is gone at times and, I dont really have any friends at school, so I'm lonely most of the time."

Did she just aske me out on a date? What!? Workin' it Dee!

Deantre:"Yea. Sometimes I'm lonely too. What time?"

Julian:"Well, I was thinking about two weeks, cause' im going to be busy for some time. Lets say on a Friday?" she looked up at me.

Deantre:"Oh, thats awesome." I smiled at her, looking her up and down once again.

Julian:"Alright, cool." she winked at me."Well school starts soon, i'll catch you later." she tapped me on my arm.

Deantre:"Kay'." I giggled.

Then, I sliped down and touched her hand. They were soft. She looked up at me, her eyes in shock. I was a little scared on what she might look at me as, but it wasnt a really big deal. But then, i saw that smile grow on her face. I knew she liked me. It brought a good feeling to me. Knowing that the girl of my dreams liked me. Butterflies in my stomach swarmed around and started doing all kinds of spins and twists. I was in love. I was diffrent around her, more myself.

Julian:" Heh, bye." she smiled, flirtly as she walked away, and out of the gym door, her black heels click clacking away. Her but switching femininely in her tight fitted, black skinny jeans. And her orange cut off shoulder, which showed half of her belly. Wow. Just, gorgeous...

Well, I hope You guys liked it! :) Just comment alot please, vote, and fan! And always read my books and stuff! :) Love you guys, and stayy MINDLESS! -Evelyn

A/N: Dont Forget To Check Out My New Book, 'Jensen(A Mindless Jaw Dropper) I Love Yall, and Are Very Sure You will Enjoy It. The Link Is Below. Thanks For Reading! :) ❤

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