Chapter 24

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Deantre..[3:12pm Thursday..]

"Tik Tok, on the clock but the party don't stop no! " Oh-uohuohoh! Oh-uohuohoh!:"

Venus:"Ha! And I won again!" Venus laughed as she put the Wii control onto the black couch. "Just admit it Dee, Im way better at you at Just Dance 2! Five bucks here we come!" she laughed, as she reached her hand out to me, signaling for the money I promised.

I sat on the rug in defeat at this stupid game, but continued to giggle my gut out.

Mom:"Keep it down in there!" Mom yelled from the kitchen as she was on the phone with a relative.

I laughed as Venus continued to scold me for her money in her salty british accent. I reached in my pocket, and handed her five bucks. She snatched it and giggled.

Venus:"I still love ya'." she giggled, as she ran up the stairs to the bathroom.

Mom:"Deantre." my mom called me as she walked in to the living room. "Look, Auntie Connie is having another family reunion this weekend, and we gotta' be on that plane to Georgia by 9:00 am tommorrow." she looked at me worried.

Deantre:"Ughh!" I grunted in annoyance of my family as I stood up from the rug in front of my mom, looking at the airplane schedule."Alright mommy." I hugged her as I shoved the schedule in my pocket.

Venus walked down the stairs, and gave my mom a warm smile in greet.

Mom:"Hey sweetheart, I think Dee's gotta' tell you something." she raised her eyebrow at me as she walked back in the kitchen.

I plopped my hands on Venus's shoulders.

Venus:"What did I break when we were playing?" she sighed.

I giggled.

Deantre:"Nothing this time." I giggled. "Its just that, Im leaving tommorrow at 9:00 to Georgia and I have no type of clue when were gonna' be back."

Venus put her head down and sighed.

Venus:"Your gonna' leave me here with all these people that I dont even know?" she looked up at me disapointed.

Denatre:"Im sorry." I put my head down.

Venus:"Its all good Im just messin' with ya'" she giggled in her funny british accent.

She gave me a bear hug for like three long minutes. she grabbed her jacket, her purse, watter bottle, said bye to my mom, and headed out the door.

Please comment and vote if you dont mind! :D Love you guys, stay punk, and Mindless of course, and like spead the freakin peace! ;3


A/N: Dont Forget To Check Out My New Book, 'Jensen(A Mindless Jaw Dropper) I Love Yall, and Are Very Sure You will Enjoy It. The Link Is Below. Thanks For Reading! :) ❤

Never Find Your Lovin'(A Mindless Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz