Chapter 14

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Rodney's P.o.v.

I am feel with dread to the point that I dont think I want to live anymore. Well atleast my heart is.. How could that bastard kiss her. I thought we were ALL cool with eachother. These guys are the closest I have ever been to in my whole worthless life. Im in love with one of my bestfriend's girl, and my other bestfriend devily kissed her behind his back. And I had to watch... I turned my body around laying in my twin sized bunk, and drenched my face into my pillow, and began shedding tears. I'm the funny one, that one who hardly shows emotion. I betcha' right now I look like a little girl. I dont care. I dont want to play the hard way. When I have to tell Chris, then him and Julian will break up. Then Dee will be all evil and still try to take a shot at her. Sheesh.. I'm going to fight back. Thats it. Im going to start my shit list, and Dee is most definetely on the top.

I pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my black cargos, and dialed Christoher's number.

"Beep. Beep. Beep.


Rodney:"Hey Chris, Um... its Rod..." I said, my voice beginning to shake out of my throat.

Chris:"Heh, I think I know that man, I have you in my contacts." He said, laughing stupidly like usual.

Rodney:"Heheh." I tried to laugh. "Man, I got some really cold news I got to tell you dude." I said, heading straight to the reason why I called him.

Christopher.:"Cut to the chase my ninja, Im all out and open for ya'." He said sounding pretty happy.

Boy, I didnt want to hurt him. I mean he really loved her. But I cared for him, and I rather him hear it from me, than end up seeing it when it happens again. But how could that son of a bitch kiss him back anyway. Ughh.. I forgot Chris is on the line. Let me stop getting mad before I even tell him.

Rodney:"Well, some time ago, Dee and Juju were at Dee's house skipping school." I said, my voice getting pissed by recapturing the moment.

Christopher:"Oh, so thats why she was fucking not at school? To go chill wit DEE? What THE FUCK!"

As he went on and on about them being wrong, I just came out and said it so he didnt hear me clearly.

Rodney:"They kissed." I said fast, and over with it.

Chris:"Paused at the phone for three minutes breathing hard after all that yelling he had just did.

Chris:"What?" He said, his voice getting little.

Sorry, I know it was boring, but its better than nothing. I was a little tired, and I was texting so yea. Plus, did you really think Rodney out of all people wasnt going to say anything in the first place? Lol well he did so yea.... But anyway enjoy! Chireo! :D

-Mrs.Perez <3

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