Chapter 11

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Its been atleast a week since I heard of Jasper. Depressin struck me solemly once again. But this time, it hit me with more force. My mind has been corupted, i havent been to school for atleast four days. Ive been cutting my wrists, crying before i go to sleep every night, and stealing my moms vodka in the middle of the night. I'm just, a lost soul at the moment. I NEED to visit someone! . How about Rodney? Dont really talk to him much. Yea! Thats what I'll do. He told me three days ago that he didnt feel like going to school today, and to feel free to come and keep him company. Julian has been in my head left and right. I drove her home yesterday. She gave me a hug for the FIRST TIME! Thats the thing that keeps me smiling suprisingly....

"Beep! Beep!" went my daily alarm clock once again.

I looked above at the time. 5:23. Not going to school anyway, so I'm just going to sleep. As my eyelids began to get heavy again, I heard my mom yell from the downstairs kitchen,

Mom:"Deantre I'm leaving honey!!" I ignored it, and drifted off into a deep slip.

I lifted my eyes, and looked around in my dim lit room. Hmmmhm, lighter than earlier, maybe it has hit noon already. I looked to my alarm clock, and saw that it was only 11:46. Well, Im just going to wake up now.

I hoped in the shower, and threw on some sweats, and a brown plaid shirt. I put on an olive green sag hat, and was already out the door. And yes, a ate my daily, deliciously, nutrition bar. I got into my orange range rover, and slowly drove off.

11:59. I was on the curb across from Rodney's house, looking down at my phone. I got six texts from Paper, four from Chris, and three from Julian..... I decided to answer Julian's first......

Julian's Texts:

Julian:"Mornin' :)

Julian:"Why you aint at stool?


Damn. Who knew she cared about me so much. I think the tension was rising between us already. I could just tell that she wasnt brave enough to admit the fact that, she actually liked me as much as i like her. The obstacle between us becoming closer was Chris. I just noticed how much CHRISTOPHER, was a problem. Wait, how could he be a problem when its really his girl? Ugh..... This is to much thought, Ill just figure it out later.... I was a little lazy, so I didnt bother answering any other text messages i had had.

I slid my phone into my but pocket, and walked to Rodney's door, and kicked softly. The door opened slowly opened the door. I watched as I saw Rodney's skinny self in a wife better, and red sweats, on his tablet.

Rodney:"Hey man, my parents just left and wont be back till' 8:00(pm) so we can chill here for some time he smiled friendly.

I shook his hand, nodded my head, and walked right in. He had a nice, mike brown polished floor, with a wide living room, and a big kitchen on the other side. I white flat screen tv lay in the foreground, and a black couch across from it, so I sat down, and folded my hands.

Deantre:"Sup'." i smiled, looking around.

Rodney:"Turn on the Tv." he giggled, paying close attention to his back galaxy tablet.

I grabbed the blue remote beside me, and turned to Disney channel. Thankfully. My favorite show Jesse was on. We watched Tv for an hour, and I states to get a little annoyed. Until my phone rang. I looked down at it, and I got a text from Julian. I decided to reply back.

Julian:"Hey hubby. ;)

Deantre:"Hey beautiful. ;D

Julian:"Lol watcha doin?

Deantre:"Lml just chilling at Rodney's house, watching Disney channel hbu??

Julian:"Oh so thats what u do all day when u dont got to scho ol? Oh i got u.... -.- jk and just eating lunchwith Chris.

Deantre:"Oh cool, but anyway, u should skip with me tomorrow.

Julian:"Deep. I cannt do that, my folks will KILL me!! :o

Deantre:"Oh c'mon. They dont have to know.......

Julian:"Deantre, Im not doing that.

Deantre:"Come on just have some fun!!! Stop being a baby! :)

Julian:" Ighhh..... Fine. -.- but i am NO BABY!!!

Deantre:"Good. K gtg ily <3

Julian:"Kay bye ily2. ;)

Wow. We were really getting it in. The thing that bothers me is that she belongs to Chris. Well she doest act like it so what he doesnt know wont kill him. I love her so much. And I choose to make her mine regardless. I know i just met her, but the future lays within my eyes and I see myself in an elderly home STILL with her. And thats how I want it to be. How much you want to bet Chris doesn't picture it like I do?

Rodney realized that I was paying so much careful attention to my phone, and for a little curious.

Rodney:"Who you textin'?" he looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched up in question.

Deantre:"Noone I giggled, why do you ask?" i looked up at him, playing dumb.

Rodney:"Well because nobody stares at their crotch, and smiles. Unless there a creep likevyou sir!" he used a tone of stupidity.

Deantre:"Julian." i rolled my eyes at him, looking back at the tv.


Deantre:"Jasper. "

Rodney:"Nooooo. Thats not what you just said." he looked at me narrowing his eyes.

Deantre:"Jasper Rod. I said Jasper."

Rodney:!Look man, i dont fall for whatever delusional tricks you be playing on people.!" he raised his tone a little bit. Placing his tablet gently on the couch, and looking me good in my eye. "Now dont make me say the name." he looked at me with a cold face.

Deantre:"Dam it Rodney! I just told you Jasper, and all of a sudden you assume Im living? Nigga I said Jasper, and I shouldn't have to be questions about it!" i yelled at him, furious.

Rodney:"Dam man, why you comin' all out on me like that, it was just simple." he spat at me as he picked up his tablet and rolled his eyes.

I took a deep breath and calmed down. It was really kind of stupid to just yell at him for something like that.

Deantre:"well um I-i gotta' go." i said shaking, zooming across the living room floor. And out the door i went.

Rodney looked up, gave me a look of awe, and said peace.

Ash shit, great. Now the biggest mouth of the bunch is suspicious.......

A/N: Dont Forget To Check Out My New Book, 'Jensen(A Mindless Jaw Dropper) I Love Yall, and Are Very Sure You will Enjoy It. The Link Is Below. Thanks For Reading! :) ❤

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