Chapter 35

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Neve Find Your Lovin'

Julian. . . . .

It was Saturday morning, 6:00 to be exact, and I arose my body off of my couch. I heard my moms voice as she sang to the Spanish radio in the kitchen. I stretched, my body was numb from the great deal of rest I have finally got last night over a month. I walked to the kitchen, and found my adorable mother, drinking her Cuban cup of coffee, reading the newspaper. "Mami." I moaned, still stretching.

"Hey babeee." She replied in her thick Spanish accent. She's been doing extremely well with her English lately. I pulled out a chair that stood next to her, and sat down. All I could think of right now, was Rodney. His eyes sat in the corners of my mind. It drove me crazy, but heck, I loved the boy. My mom smiled at me as she observed my deep daze. I shook myself to form some real concentration.

"I just remembered something!" My mom opened her eyes wide, getting up from the kitchen table, and walking to the counter to get her phone. She unlocked it, scrolled down, and sat back down in her seat at the table.

"Your boyfriend? Rrro-Roo-Rodney?" My mother forced out.

"Yes Mama, demelo." I stared at her for an answer.

"He called, for you. He in hospital. It serious. You go NOW he say." She spires out in poor explanation. My brain froze, and my eyes bulges out of my head.

"MAMA!" I screamed loud, my face numb, and my smile creeping onto my face.

"He's coming home!" I yelled in pure joy. I grabbed my mother, and held her tight, pulled into the most sweet mother and daughter hug you could ever imagine. My mother jumped up with me, and laughed in joy along with me, not having a damn clue what was going on. But that's how it was supposed to be. She was my mommy. I knew he was coming home. I just KNEW it! Why else would he call?

"Ma, I gotta go! I gotta get dressed! I have to hurry!" I screamed loud, and let her go. Tears or luscious joy filled my glossy eyes. I ran through the house, and up to my room. I was ready within an hour.

It was now 7:10. I pulled into the driveway of Saint Michaels general, all clean and stuff. I parked neatly, and jumped out of the car. I walked with a sort of jump in my step. I was so excited. So excited to see how happy he would be. How happy we would be together again.... I walked into the hospital doors, not paying attention to anyone, just walking straight towards the front desk. I woman greeted me with a pleasant, warm smile. Ready to take my request.

"Hello there. How can I help ya sweetie?"

"Um, I'm looking for room 205? Rodney king." She nodded, and walked right to her computer, which was right behind her. After three minutes of searching, she came back to the desktop and approached me.

"Gotcha." She nodded and smiled. She walked out of the desk area, and told me to follow her down the hall. I was so excited to see him..

"There you go." She said pointing to the door number, and walking away from me slowly, waving goodbye.

"Thank you!" I waved back.

"No problem, good luck!" She then disappeared down the hospitals hallways. Then my ear buds froze. I heard, yelling coming from behind the door of room 205. I pressed my ear against the cold white door.

"No no no no no!" Someone shouted.

"Sir, please lay back down!" Another demanded.

"But this can't be happening! Your doctors! This is what you're here for! Your supposed to prevent this from happening!" The voice was shaky, and very kinky. It sounded quite familiar though.

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