Chapter 17

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I was chilling on my bed, listening to John Lennon songs on my Ipod out of boredom. I was just thinking about how much I wanted a girlfriend. But I'm just too weird for these kind of girls these days. I mean I'm not ghetto, I am very fond of the 80's time period, I'm way smarter than most children my age, and I talk like a straight up white person when I'm black! I also want real love, and due by this generation, I can't be sure that someone's going to love me for ME.

I layed there on my bed for several minutes as the deadly plague of depression entered the gateways of my dreadful life. Then, I got a text from Chris saying......

Text message:

Chris: Bro meeting.

The words gave a puzzled look to my face, but I quickly escaped the trance. Bro meeting.Ok something really bad must of happen for us to have a Bro meeting, and not to mention this early in the morning! I jumped out of my bed, not payiing any mind on fixing my covers, and ran straight to the bathroom to freshen up.


I was sitting on the couch next to Chris, as he silently cried. I could tell he was more than just hurt over what Julian and Dee had did to him. I mean, I think I would of been getting ready to assasinate Deantre. Especially if He's supposed to be your bro... I'm still hurt too.. I LOVE Julian. And she doesn't even know... Wait, neither does dee, or anyone else. But it still doesn't make a diffrence. Deantre still would of messed with her anyway...


I was on the couch, sleeping next to Julian. I could feel How hurt she felt. It was ok if she still loved Christopher, though she is HIS girl. Or WAS.. Wait, did they break up because he found out what me and Julian were doiing? Was I The reason why Juju was hurt, and Chris? Oh my fudge, what if Jasper finds out? Oh He'll hate me forever... My basketball shorts left pocket started ringing.. It was a text message from.... Chris?

It woke Julian a bit. She lifted up her head, and looked at me, and tried t smile. Then she looked at me a little confused.

Julian:"What was that ringing?" she looked down at my phone.

Deantre:"Oh, it was just my phone, you can go back to sleep now." I smiled, getting a little nervous.

The phone kept ringing, and she looked at me like I was supposed to do something.

Julian:"Well.. Are you gonna' answer it?" she giggled.

Deantre:"Uh.. Yea."

I picked up the phone slowly, and read the text message that I got.

Text Message:

Chris:Bro meeting..

Bro Meeting? Now why are we having a bro meeting? OH crap. That means everyone is gonna' be there. And since Chris and Julian broke up.. The next problem will be me. Damn and Jay's going to be there.... I look of worry swept across my almost brown pale face..

Julian:"Are you alright?" she asked, as she brunched up her eyebrows.

Deantre:"Yea...." I answered, my mind somewhere else.

Julian:"Yea, nothing." She said sarcasticly. She took my phone, without me even bothering to fight back. She looked at the text in deep thought, and looked up to me.

Julian:"Chris is actually talking to you?" She looked at me suprised.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Julian:"And what the hell is a bro meeeting?" She looked at me, trying not to laugh.

That kind of pissed me off.. I decided not to tell herso she didn't get worried. So I lied.

Deantre:"I don't know, and I couldn't care less." I fake laughed to satisfy her questioning. "Look, I'm going to the Cromwell plaza, and I'll be back in like an hour. Stay here mkay."

Julian:"Uhhhh.... ok." She gave me a strange look. She walked over to me, and pecked me on my forehead. Then wwalked into the kitchen, and started from there. I ran up stairs, freshened up, and ran right out of the door.


Never Find Your Lovin'(A Mindless Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя