Chapter 21

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??'s P.O.V....

I was walking the urban Detroit alone in the dark. The lights of the tall buildings in the sky, shined down on my black hoodie. It was like I was going to rob a bank or something. I turned a corner in an alley on Mandrin Street. The three men were standing in the mist of the pipes that were alined up around the roofs of he isolated city buildings. I walked closer to the dudes and realized that they werent the people I suspected to be there.

??:"Yo', wheres Carlos?" I raised my eyebrow along with my strife tone, with my hands in my heavy black sweats.

Junior:"He sent us for ya'. We still got da stuff for ya', now lets make this quick beforebwe get the popo's on the lease.

This dude didnt look like Carlos, the only dealer I trust around here, and how the hell would he send someone here that I dont mother f**cking know? Great, now Im pissed. With some crazy ash dealers on my case. I blankly stared at them in deep thought.

Junior:"Well, negro. You gonna' give us the dinero, or what?" his voice showed his anger with impatience. I was kinda jumpy, as I looked down at his dark nine liter pistol twitching in his hand a bit.

"Run." my consious told me. I couldnt give him all this money for shiz that wasnt home rolled by carlos, im bouta make a run for this, and pray to Jesus Christ that I dont leave here shot.

??:"Hold up let me take a drink." I said sucking my teeth at him, and pulling a huge Heiniken glass beer bottle out of my big loose black hood pockets. Hmph, suprised it didnt slip out while I was walking here. I sit the last bit of alcohol that was in here, knowing damn well that there  was barely in there to drink. I heard one of the men cough, signaling there impatience. But like I really gave a fudge if they were tired of waiting or not. Without thinking, I threw the bottle with every forcing nerve I had towards there feet so I could buy some time to escape. Damn it! I missed it, and took a mighty run for it. Guess the angels werent buy my side. Cause as soon as I stepped into the reflecting lights of the city, my back had a bitter twisting pain that my strong, yet very muscular body couldnt handle. I yelped in eager pain, as my eerie scream filled the solid wallways of the alley. My breathing became hard, and my body felt lifeless. I felt my head get pounded with the back of the gun handle. It felt like my brain was going to just plop right out of my head. As my body already layed down onto the warm damp concrete, my face collapsed onto a puddle that I seemed to be laying on already. I could feel my back getting numb by the minutes that passed by, as my life was wasting out of me.

The men were gone. I no longer felt their presence. They left me here to die alone. I should of known so of the hard gang bangers of this city.. I just layed there, in massive pain, dieing slowly, the worse to die......

Inari... [10:46 pm]

I walked the sidewalks of the suburban neighborhood, as I searched for my  house alone. The summer breeze breathed through my extremley curly side ponytail, as I itched my arm as I saw the inlightning of my vibrant dark brown skin. Wow. Back to Detroit. We've been gone for so long, and we finally left London. I remember this place when I was three.. Beauty.. I shaked out of my gaze as I walked the walkway of my bright yelllow house. I walked in the door, and found my older sister Venus, laying on the couch watching La Rosa De Guadalupe.. Yea we kinda know that espanol flow, and watch the spanish channel. The living room was dark, and the only lights that shined in the house were the kitchen, the living room T.V., and the bathroom.

Inari:"Mom's gone again." I asked my sister as she smiled at me.

Venus:"Yea." she sighed putting her head down. "This time on one her buisness trips to L.A." she grunted, turning her eyes back to the T.V.

My mom often took buisness trips, although she was a travel agent, so she was barely home. But our house was beautiful, and I hade a wonderful big sister by my side.

I slipped off my Black Tom's, and walked to the tall black fridge in the kitchen. I opened up, and took out my Oreo McFlurry I got from Mickey D's this morning. I sat at the table, licking the spoon slowly, and scrolling up and down through my phone.I sighed. Life in a new country once again, and a new home. New school, new job, new everything. I looked at the calender on the side wall. April 29th. Who transfers to a new school in April? Oh wait, we do. Start next week. I hate school, my sist loves it. Stupid.

I finished my Mcflurry, and headed up the stairs, to my room. I sat on my blue covered bed.

Venus:"Watcha doing?" My sister asked from down the stairs.

Inari:"Goin to sleep." I replyed yelling.

Venus:"Kay, Im sleeping down here." She said, walking away from the staircase.

Like I needed to know that..


Rodney:"But chu know Ima' G boo."

Julian giggled over the phone louder.

Julian:"Your so adorable Rod." she said sweetly. "You really helped me out through this whole thing." she continued.

Rodney:"You know I'll always be there for you sweet heart." I said with my ghetto accent, but very serious in my words.

Julian:"Thanks." I could feel her smile brighten by the minute over the phone. "I mean I havent seen Dee for like a week, and I would think he would be the one catching me on my fall most of the time." she said kind of disapointed.

I love her so much. I think I might be falllin a little too hard, but I think she's digging me by the momnet.

Julian;s Mom" Nena, Tu Comida!" I heard Julians mom yell from somwhere through the phone.

Julian:"Well, Rod I gotta' go." She started. "Love you." she said in a cute baby tone that brought tears to my eyes.

Rodney:"I-I love you too." I said, my face reddening. I heard her giggle real quick, and then she hung up. I opened the closet door, and sat on my bed, parilized of her pressence over that phone call. I placed my phone on my dresser slowly.

I took a deep breath, layed down, a drifted off to sleep.


I was sitting on my front porch talking to one of my neighbors, and playing Irunnner multiplayer on our galaxy tablets.. Until I got a phone call from San Miguel General...

Jasper:"Hello?" I said confused.

Operator:"Am I speaking to Jasper Perez?"

Jasper:"Yes this is he."

Operator:"I just wanted to inform you that your friend, Christopher Norman?"


Operator:"Yes, He's been shot."

My body completely was put into freeze zone.

Operator:"He has three wounds. One in the back, one in the back of his head, and one in the neck. He's in a severe coma, and lost alot of blood. He was just rushed in three hours ago, and his heart isnt reaching its pulse at strenght that  he needs to properly live. He has one case of medium brain trauma, and a severe wound in the pancreas.."

My eyes grew bigger and bigger as the operator continued to talk.. There was too many things that she listed that were wrong with Chris. It seemed like the word life, was mission imposible for him...

Never Find Your Lovin'(A Mindless Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant