Chapter 16

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It was 4:36 A.M. Its been an hour since me and Roc were on that date. Chris had just gone to sleep. He kept me hostage in the house until he wanted me to leave. He was extremely mad at me. He knew that I kissed Dee, and that I was on a date with him. I cried and cried, as he fell asleep, as he finally did. I'm hurt. And the worse part of this guilt was, he broke up with me. Yea I know. I'm extremely corupted, and I dont know what to do. I mean, I know I was in love with Deantre, but I loved Christopher. And for him to break up with me, it put me into complete pieces.

Igot up from the covers, and softly stood up from the couch quietly. Just to avoid suspicion from Chris. I put on my ugs that I got from the closet I put in there some time ago, and slipped on some grey sweats from Aero, and a black hoodie I stole from my older brother who lives in PR. I slowly tip-toed towards the door, watching Chris so I could tell if he was up or not. Nope, he was knocked out. I soonly gained the strength to shut the door. So I did so sneakily.

When I got onto the porch, I took a long hard sih of relief, and then looked at the window to make sure I didnt wake him. He snored so loud, I could hear him from outside. Good sign of him sleeping. Ok,good. I was out. But the thought of him finding out that I technically cheated on him, and hurt him, iced my heart. The tears came strolling down my face once again. All that ran through my head was, "RUN." So I did. I cried and ran. Ran wherever, and whoever I would fine at this time of night. Or should I say morning? But anyway, the sun still wasnt coming up, so yea. The tears blured my vision terribly, so all i saw were illusions of things, but I didnt care. After five minutes, I began walking, and my destination now had become Dee's house. And the thing was, I was only a few steps away from his walk way.


I was knocked out. But strangely thinking while sleeping. I slept soundly, and my head was filled with precious thoughts of Julian. She was more gorgeous than any girl i have ever laid eyes upon, and her smile warmed my heart. I was truly in love with her. My depression has been leaving my body. She puts light into my life, and thats all I really needed. I was on the couch, and the whole house was dark, except there was a fair amount of dim light in the living room from the tv I had left on all night. Even though I have only been home for like an hour. I continued to sleep very soundly, until I heard a knock at a door....


I woke up to a little chill breeze overcoming my body. I looked around, and then soon to the loveseat that layed across from the couch I was on. Where the hell was Julian? I looked all around, pissed as a dog. I threw my covers on the floor hastily, and roam around the house in search for her. She was nowhere to be found in the house. Ughh, I was so stupid to leave her alone, while I fell asleep. I just know this damn girl didnt just trample on me! And my heart Isnt taking it so well as she kissed my bestfriend, and went on a date with him.. And he did the fucking same with her! Ughh! I thought she loved me? Cause I sure do remember me loving her! And Dee. Oh, thats my bro right there. And for him to do some bullshit like that to me, its pretty grimy. Watch. Im going to kick his ass...


My tears started to downpoor even more when Dee answered the door with a look of awe on his face. I immediately bear hugged him in sorrow. I grasped onto his black wife beater vagantly, as he asked me what was wrong.

I looked up at him, and sang like a canari.

Julian:"He found out we kissed." I said in a crackiling whispered, ruffled in with sniffles.

Deantre:"What?" he questioned me as he began to lift up my chin with his hand.

Julian:"He knows that we went on the date too." I wheeped.

He pulled me clost to his chest, as I began to cry again. And harder than before. Lets say, my weak, broken heart couldnt bear the pain that it had thrown at it. I just hurt someone, when they didnt deserve it.

He stroked my hair, as I cried on his chest. He then pulled away, wiped my tears, grabbed my hand, and lead me inside his home.

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