Chapter 2

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The sun shined beautifully over the view of the red stop sign. I sneaked a look at my white g-shock for the time. 6:30. Hmhm.. Got here a little earlier than ususal. I stood silently on the pavement of my bus stop, blankily looking at the soft blue morning sky that was wildly overcrossed with shades of light pink. It was the morning, so I guess this was how it was supposed to look. My blue Magic snapback covered my dark brown eyes a bit, so it kind of blocked my view on how i could actually see who appeared at the bus stop. I knew that this girl named Alisha stood on the curbside to my left, and this football quarterback named Daniel was leaning on the stop sign, talking to someone on the phone pretty loud. He was so conceited and annoying. It was stiil hard to bear that I was at a bustop with him every morning... I had a blue thin white striped hollister shirt on, with some khacki, baggy skinnys. Followed by some high top grey convers. My big, plump lips were followed by a shiny hint of mint chopstick, and my hair was freshly cut, in tight puffy curls.

I waited silently, with my bookbag in my hands, for my friends. After two minutes later, I spotted some purple socks, with black addida sandels. I looked up, and found an afro facing directly at me. Hmm, purple... Yea, Thats Rodney, and of course the afro was Jasper. I saw a dark tan hand coming towards my right hand, and I knew it was Jasper to give me daps. I looked up, and smiled humbly.

Jasper:"Whats up man?" He smiled, looking at me friendly as we did our hand shake.

Deantre:"Oh nothin'. Just hoping you guys would show up sooner or later." I smiled as I gave Rodney a quick man hug.

Rodney:"Well, were here man. No need for tears." He laughed, as he wrinkled his nose, while looking around.

Deantre:"Aye, Yo where's Chris?" I asked, looking around a little lost.

Jasper:"Oh he's ditching." He said, while wiping his black shades with his lime green polo shirt.

Rodney:"Nigga's got a girlfriend." He giggled humorously, waving his long, black braid in the air stupidly.

Jasper:"Yea. This dude's gotta' girl, and he's ditching school to hang out at her house while her mom's at work. Pshh, what a dumb ass." He grinned, as he rubbed his eyes in fatigue.

Rodney:"But c'mon Jay. Who wouldnt? She's absoulutely hot!" He exclaimed as his eyes got all googily.

So Chris has a girlfriend. I gotta see this for myself....

Jasper:"True that. True that. Shes really beautiful, but honeys not my type. Shes one of them guala's that I can only have as a friend." He looked at me as he talked.

"You know I hate them damn gualas..

I stared at the pavement in thought. So he's Got a girlfriend. And she's a guala. Sounds like my type. I only date black girls, and gualas. And she sounds kinda' cool. Gotta' see her. Wait! Hold up there Deantre! I havent even see her yet. And plus she's Chris's girl. Im not that desperate. Or am I....

Jasper:"Hey." Jasper snapped his fingers in my face, signifying that he knew I was out of thought.

I wiggled my head to escape my deep trance.

Deantre:"Oh. Sorry man. I was a little lost."

Rodney:"A little? Man you look like you seen a ghost!" He exaggerated sarcasticly like usual.

I giggled, and so did Rodney. But Jasper looked at me a little worried. Jasper was always worried about me. He cared for me like a little brother, although he was a few months older than me. He noticed the little things about me. And that by itself showed me he cared. Whether my voice was shakey, or havent talked at all, he knew something was wrong.

Jasper:"Yo Dee, you ok?" He rested his hand gentley on my shoulder.

Deantre:"Yea man, I'm f--,"

Rodney:"Yea, I think thats the bus boys. Leggo'!"

A/N: Dont Forget To Check Out My New Book, 'Jensen(A Mindless Jaw Dropper) I Love Yall, and Are Very Sure You will Enjoy It. The Link Is Below. Thanks For Reading! :) ❤

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