Meet The Balors : 1

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Kaitlyn's POV

"Kait, we gotta go. We arrived." I heard as someone gently shook my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and remembered. I was being placed in a foster family. It had been two months since I had been taken to 'Salley's house.' The foster center where all the kids without families went. Some kids did have families, they were just pretty cruddy families.

The reason why I was there? Well, when I was around ten my Dad got in a lot of debt. He gambled a lot and went to casinos only to waste the family's savings. Eventually my Mom caught him. They had an argument and he hit her. He apologized and promised it would never happen again. But it did. My Mom being the kindest, prettiest, most naive human in the world believed his lies that he would stop hitting her.

Eventually she broke and realized he would never stop. She tried calling Grandma for help but it went to voicemail. Dad heard her try calling and took her out of a date. She didn't come back and no one questioned her not being around because she was always home with me. Mom used to homeschool me and Grandma used to come over every Wednesday and Friday to teach me German.

She came by once for German and found out Mom wasn't living with us anymore. Grandma pushed for answers and Dad said he would take her to see Mom. Grandma never came back either. Grandma was my last living relative not counting great grandma who is deaf, mute and half blind, living in a special needs retirement home.

One day when I was eleven Dad went to "work" as usual and told me not to call anyone or open the windows or open the door, or talk to anyone, or go anywhere. I tried calling the police but my Dad got home the instant they picked up. He hung the phone up and hit me. He didn't apologize or anything.

The next day when he was gone I went out and got a job babysitting a family's kids. He found out and beat me again. The beatings never ended and after fours years, I finally screamed loud enough for the neighbors to hear. They called the police and put Dad away. Then they took me to Sally's house and that is where I have been for the past two months.

I got up from my seat on the plane as Emma handed me my carryon bag. My dad had messed my right shoulder up pretty back so I couldn't lift it above my head. Once with a knife, the second time throwing me against the wall, the third time kicking me really hard.

Even after two months I still had scar and bruises. I wondered if they would ever go away. The doctor told me the scar would stay but that bruises were bruises and that they would go away.

We walked out of the airport and got in a rental car. Emma talked about the family as she drove.

"There are two parents, a Mom and a Dad, seven daughters. I met their family last week and I think you will like them. They are Christians-like you-and they love kids. They have a dog, he was super friendly when I met him. His name is Jackson. The girl's names are Emily, Allison, Casey, Amelia, Amanda, Grace and Camilla. The parent's names are Nick and Natasha. I asked them for you if they wouldn't tell the girls yet about why you were in the later center and they said yes. All the girls are older than you except for Camilla. She is fifteen too. I think that is about it." Emma told me.

"Okay." I said.

About twenty minutes later we arrived. The people lived in a town called Suncrest. We got out of the car, I grabbed my backpack while Emma helped me with my duffel bag.

We walked to the front door and Emma rang the doorbell. A light flicked on in the upstairs and a voice shouted, "Mommy, can I get the door?"

"No, you need to get dressed. It's five pm!" Someone replied.

The door opened a few moments later and a woman that looked too young to have seven children stood there smiling.

"Come on in. My name is Natasha." The woman said smiling.

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