Thirteen Years Later : 49

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Kaitlyn's POV

Every mom wants to be woken up by a crying baby and a dog licking your face. I garentee it. That's how I was woken up at least. Did I enjoy it? No. Absolutely not.

"Shhh," I told 2 year old Joel. Bear-my therapy dog-had been licking me to alert me to Joel's crying. I got up and fed Joel before putting him in his little baby bouncer. Then I made creamy-potato soup. I had just finished when Joel started crying again. I turned the stove on low and picked Joel up, changed his diaper and came back to the kitchen. The front door opened and Roman came in. He was a nurse.

"Well, good evening beautiful wife and child. Hi dog, how are you?" Roman greeted us. I chuckled. He always greeted us in a different funny way every time he came home from work. Roman disappeared and changed out of his work scrubs before coming back and hugging us both.

"So, how are you?" He asked me, pulling me over to the couch. We sat down and I leaned back against him.

"Pretty good, the soup is ready, Joel isn't crying at the moment and Bear is doing a great job not barking at the new neighbors," I replied.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Amazing now that I am here," he told me, giving me a quick kiss. This is what every mom wants. A stable job, an amazing husband, a home and food. The only thing I didn't get was sleep. But who needs that when I have Jesus.

John 6:35
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 

The End


Hello my jellybeans!


It is over. *continues sobbing*

I really hope you enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through both books or just through one. I would list you all but that might take 20 minutes just to find you all so you know who you are. Thank you <3

Hope you enjoyed the last chapter, have a wonderful day! *still sobbing*


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